
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Vineyard- October 30, 2011

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Mark 6:30-44
-          Jesus enlists His disciples in an effort to feed the multitudes.  While Jesus performs the miracle, the disciples provide the means.  Are you freely offering your means to God to be used by Him?
-          Jesus takes the bread, acknowledges God, blesses it, divides it, and then gives it.  Is giving of what you have a regular part of how you thank God for your blessings?

Mark 6:45-52
-          The disciples react to Jesus’ saving presence with fear rather than joy.  How have you reacted to Jesus’ offer of salvation?
-          Do you trust Jesus to have power over the forces that cause chaos in your life? 
-          Would you recognize Jesus if He came walking toward you?

Matthew 6:25-32
-          Worry is being concerned about things we cannot control.  How much time do you spend worrying about things in your life you have no control over?
-          What cares and concerns beyond your control do you need to turn over to God?

Prayer Requests- October 30, 2011

Prayer Requests:

Recent Requests:  Cameron Strother, Sylvia Johnson, Peyton Conway, Dianne McDonald, Chloe Midkiff, Cindy Philips, Bernice Thibodeaux, Carol Willis, Cherry Seal, Robert Maddox, Bryce Bailey, Doris Morgan, D.C. Carruth, Bill Goree, Pete and Eva Stewart, Mattie McReynolds, Billy Fox, Kenneth Doyle, Trevor Clark, Rachelle Johnson, Abby Arnaud, Marvin White, Jim Willis, Shirley Decker
Continuing Requests:  Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Marie Cook, Robert Smith, Mrs. Joe Danton, Martha Townsend, Dot Melder, Perry Fleming, Tom Fuller, Bubba Jones, Darwin Jones, Juan Martinez, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Charlie Wilson
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, Blake Thompson, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Shelby Atkinson, Yvonne Bass, Shirley Cameron, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Wanda Dauzat, Ava Dore, Aly Ericson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Steve Goudeau, Allie Harvey, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Joyce Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Cherry Seal, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Robert Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Jackie Teasely, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk, Maxine Stephens
Deaths: Johnny Prather family, Betty Veillon family
Unspoken Requests
Praise: D.C. Carruth has improved some, but is still in need of our prayers

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Galatians 3:19-29

Galatians 3:19-29
I.                   3:19-22
a.       V. 19
                                                              i.      Paul is making a very novel argument for a 1st century Jew, that the law was always intended as a temporary measure
                                                            ii.      Cf. Acts 7:53 & Heb. 2:2 for angelic mediation of the law
                                                          iii.      The law codifies sin, expressly stating what is wrong
                                                          iv.      The law can increase the trespass when we misuse it (i.e. use it for purposes of self-justification or self-righteousness)
b.      V. 20
                                                              i.      The law is a contract between two parties, thus the reference to a mediator.  In other words, the promise is grace, because it is a unilateral action by God bestowing blessing.  The law is multilateral, and makes requirements of the other party, in this instance Israel (or to a greater degree humanity)
c.       V. 21
                                                              i.      The law is not contradictory to the promise, because it serves a different function. (i.e. it cannot bestow life)
                                                            ii.      Refer back to 2:21 where we also see that Christ’s death would be for nothing
d.      V. 22
                                                              i.      The law does not contradict the promise, but rather serves its interest (by forcing us to appeal to the promise as our only hope)
                                                            ii.      When it comes to the law its “true effect…is to nail man to his sin.  As the prison holds the prisoner…so man is shut up by the Law under sin…Rightly understood, then, the Law prevents any attempt on man’s part to secure righteousness before God in any other way than…that promised to Abraham.” – W. Gotbrod
e.       The law is important because without it, the NT makes little to no sense. 
f.       “Christ is the climax of a story which includes Sinai” – Charles B. Cousar
II.                3:23-25
a.       V. 23
                                                              i.      Whereas in v. 22 we are prisoners of “sin”, here we are prisoners of “law”
                                                            ii.      The revelation of faith.  Abraham has demonstrated faith already, prior to the law, so this must refer to something more, i.e. Jesus Christ’s faith
                                                          iii.      Cf. Rom. 6:14 to find the same thing stated in the opposite way
b.      V. 24
                                                              i.      Paidagogos- the slave who was responsible for a child in his youth, conducting him or her to school, etc. 
                                                            ii.      Paul sees the law as having a custodial, not educational function
c.       V. 25
                                                              i.      When a child reached maturity, the paidagogos role became obsolete.  In the same way, when Christ comes the law’s role becomes obsolete. 
                                                            ii.      Paul’s argument that not even Jewish Christians are under the law since Christ has come would be controversial, and is a bold statement
III.             3:26-29
a.       V. 26
                                                              i.      Cf. Ex. 4:22-23; Deut. 14:1-2; Hos. 11:1 for references to Israel as being sons of God.  Paul is extending the title to include Gentiles
                                                            ii.      “Sons” is a reference to legal maturity, an age at which a child becomes an adult capable of inheriting an estate, and coincidently an age where they are no longer in need of a paidagogos
b.      V. 27
                                                              i.      Paul is showing that what defines us is not our birth, but our rebirth, not our creation, but our recreation
                                                            ii.      Some argue that the clothing imagery was possibly related to the practice of Christians disrobing for baptism (divided by gender of course), and then putting on new clothes afterward, but there is no evidence that this practice had begun in Paul’s day
                                                          iii.      More likely, changing clothes represents a change of situation, or life stage
c.       V. 28
                                                              i.      Could Paul be referring to male and female in such a way as to abolish their being defined in relationship to one another?
                                                            ii.      Circumcision was for males only, but baptism was offered to males and females
                                                          iii.      Union with Christ abolishes all distinctions, or the privileging of some over others.  It does not erase our differences, but merely means they no longer matter.  A pious Jew would thank God daily that he was not a Gentile, and slave, or a woman.  Here Paul is saying that these groups to receive the promise.  Cf. Ephesians 2 where Paul speaks of the breaking down of the wall that divides us
d.      V. 29
                                                              i.      This supersedes the idea of becoming Abraham’s heir through circumcision
                                                            ii.      Via our relationship with Christ, we become heirs of the promise to Abraham, just as He is
e.       Christ is mentioned in some way 5 times in the four verses spanning vv. 26-29.  The emphasis here is impossible to miss

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Vineyard- October 23, 2011

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Mark 6:14-29
-          John the Baptist paid the price for speaking the truth.  It would have been very easy for him to just say whatever Herod wanted to hear, but he spoke the truth, and it cost him his life.  Do you have enough character to speak the truth, despite the consequences?  Are you willing to tell the truth even if it gets you into trouble?
-          Despite the fact that Herod had him thrown into prison, he was very intrigued by John’s preaching.  He was very upset at the idea of having to order his execution.  He knew in his heart that John was a holy man, and that what he said was true, but he couldn’t find the courage to act on that belief.  Do you have the courage to act on your beliefs?

Matthew 6:19-24
-          When we die, all of all material possessions become worthless, at least to us.  For that reason, it is foolish to spend all the time we have here storing up treasure.  Where do you invest your time?  Is heavenly or earthly treasure driving you and motivating you?
-          Our eyes and others senses influence the thoughts of our heart.  What type of images and sounds are you allowing to enter your heart through the movies you watch, and the music you listen to? 

Prayer Requests- October 23, 2011

Prayer Requests:

Recent Requests:  Hayley Billings, Cindy Philips, Bernice Thibodeaux, Carol Willis, Cherry Seal, Robert Maddox, Bryce Bailey, Peyton Conway, Doris Morgan, D.C. Carruth, Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Bill Goree, Pete and Eva Stewart, Mattie McReynolds, Billy Fox, Kenneth Doyle, Trevor Clark, Rachelle Johnson, Verna Campbell, Abby Arnaud, Marvin White, Jim Willis, Shirley Decker
Continuing Requests:  Marie Cook, Robert Smith, Mrs. Joe Danton, Martha Townsend, Dot Melder, Perry Fleming, Tom Fuller, Bubba Jones, Darwin Jones, Juan Martinez, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Charlie Wilson
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, Tony Stuttle, Blake Thompson, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Shelby Atkinson, Yvonne Bass, Shirley Cameron, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Wanda Dauzat, Ava Dore, Aly Ericson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Steve Goudeau, Allie Harvey, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Joyce Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Johnny Prather, Wes Roberts, Cherry Seal, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Robert Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Jackie Teasely, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk, Maxine Stephens
Unspoken Requests

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Vineyard- October 16, 2011

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Mark 6:1-13
-          The people in Jesus’ hometown refused to believe in Him, all because of where he came from (ironic isn’t it), and what family He was a member of.  Do you ever judge people not based on who they are, but where they come from or who they are related to?
-          Jesus instructs His disciples not to rely on material possessions to fulfill their mission, but rather to trust in God.  Do you ever trust more in what God has given you, than you do in God?

Matthew 6:1-8, 16-18
-          If someone needed help, but there was no chance of anyone seeing you, would you help them? 
-          It’s possible to do the right thing for the wrong reason.  What is your motivation for doing good works?  Is it to be seen, or is it because it’s the right thing to do?  Are you as willing to do the right thing, even when no one is watching? 

Prayer Requests- October 16, 2011

Prayer Requests:

Recent Requests:  Carol Willis, Martha Townsend, Allie Ericson, Cherry Seal, Robert Maddox, Bryce Bailey, Peyton Conway, Doris Morgan, D.C. Carruth, Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Bill Goree, Cameron Sutton, Pete and Eva Stewart, Mattie McReynolds, Billy Fox, Kenneth Doyle, Trevor Clark, Rachelle Johnson, Verna Campbell, Abby Arnaud, Marvin White, Jim Willis, Shirley Decker, those travelling to Italy
Continuing Requests:  Marie Cook, Robert Smith, Mrs. Joe Danton, Martha Townsend, Dot Melder, Perry Fleming, Tom Fuller, Bubba Jones, Darwin Jones, Juan Martinez, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Anthony “Tony” Perrotti, Charlie Wilson
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, Tony Stuttle, Blake Thompson, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Shelby Atkinson, Yvonne Bass, Shirley Cameron, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Wanda Dauzat, Ava Dore, Allie Ericson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Steve Goudeau, Allie Harvey, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Joyce Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Johnny Prather, Wes Roberts, Cherry Seal, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Robert Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Jackie Teasely, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk, Maxine Stephens
Deaths: Harold Melder family, Carolyn Ambrose family, the family of Karen and Cole Ferguson, Karen Villemarette family
Unspoken Requests

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tragedy in Gulfport, MS

The wife and son of the minister of the Orange Grove Church of Christ in Gulfport, MS were murdered in their home yesterday afternoon.  This involves not only loss of life, but betrayal, abuse, and a failure of our justice system to protect the victim.  The family, but also many others involved, need our prayers.  I am reminded of our lesson Sunday night, that Jesus teaches us to pray for our enemies.  I can't imagine a more difficult time to put that into practice.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Vineyard- October 9, 2011

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Mark 5:21-43
      Jairus doesn’t think of his personal pride when he approaches Jesus.  He falls on the ground and pleads with Him to heal his daughter.  Do you show similar humility when coming before Christ, or does your pride prevent you from coming to Him openly and honestly?
      The woman with the issue of blood got what she was looking for, healing.  And yet, instead of disappearing into the crowd she humbly reveals herself to Jesus.  Do you present yourself before Jesus, or do you walk away after you have gotten what you needed from Him?

Matthew 5:38-42
One of the laws of physics states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  The same is true for human interactions.

In order for conflict to stop, someone has to be the person that refuses to retaliate, or hit back.  Why do you think Jesus challenges us to be that person?  To be the one who doesn’t seek to “get even”? 

What does it tell others when they see us acting not in our own best interest, but in the interest of peace and harmony?  Could our willingness to seek reconciliation rather than revenge be a way of preaching the gospel?

Prayer Requests- October 9, 2011

Prayer Requests:

Recent Requests:  Allie Ericson, Cherry Seal, Rocky Johnson, Robert Maddox, Bryce Bailey, Peyton Conway, Doris Morgan, D.C. Carruth, Benny Richard, Sam Poole, Jr., Roanne Ballio, Bill Goree, Cameron Sutton, Pete and Eva Stewart, Mattie McReynolds, Billy Fox, Kenneth Doyle, Trevor Clark, Rachelle Johnson, Verna Campbell, Abby Arnaud, Marvin White, Jim Willis, Shirley Decker, those travelling to Italy
Continuing Requests:  Marie Cook, Robert Smith, Mrs. Joe Danton, Martha Townsend, Dot Melder, Perry Fleming, Tom Fuller, Bubba Jones, Darwin Jones, Juan Martinez, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Anthony “Tony” Perrotti, Charlie Wilson
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, Tony Stuttle, Blake Thompson, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Shelby Atkinson, Yvonne Bass, Shirley Cameron, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Wanda Dauzat, Ava Dore, Allie Ericson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Steve Goudeau, Allie Harvey, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Joyce Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Johnny Prather, Wes Roberts, Cherry Seal, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Robert Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Jackie Teasely, Will Tulos, Karen Villemarette, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk, Maxine Stephens
Deaths: Ewell Langston family, Verna Mar Trentham family, Walter Goodwin family, Ray Sandell family, Lois Russell family, Douglas Fontenot family
Unspoken Requests

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Galatians 3:1-18

Galatians 3:1-18
I.                   V. 1-6
a.       V. 1
                                                              i.      Translated literally, “who has cast the evil eye upon you”
                                                            ii.      They are being criticized not for a lack of knowledge, but for a lack of moral judgment, they are foolish, not ignorant
                                                          iii.      Anoetoi, or “foolish”, is also used in Luke 24:25 where Jesus refers to the disciples on the road to Emmaus as “foolish, and slow of heart”
b.      V. 2
                                                              i.      A hearing that is faithful, or a hearing that leads to faith
                                                            ii.      Cf. Isa. 53:1
c.       V. 3
                                                              i.      This is as much about how they live in the present and future, as it is how they entered the Christian life.
                                                            ii.      Cf. Phil. 1:6
d.      V. 4
                                                              i.      “experience” or “suffer”?
e.       V. 5
                                                              i.      Compound form of verb implies “bountifully supplies”
f.       V. 6
                                                              i.      Believed God, not believed in God.  This is more than intellectual assent to God’s existence, this is trust
                                                            ii.      Cf. Gen. 15:6
                                                          iii.      The Spirit=justification in order for the comparison to Abraham’s faith=righteousness to hold
                                                          iv.      Cf. Psalm 106:30-31 for “reckoned as righteousness”
g.      The Spirit is mentioned for the first time in these verses
                                                              i.      The Spirit comes in and with the preaching of the crucified Christ
                                                            ii.      The Spirit is set in opposition to the flesh
                                                          iii.      The Spirit is the new age, and thus the source of life and vitality
1.      Cf. Acts 14:8-10
                                                          iv.      The Spirit comes to the whole community, and not a select few
1.      Cf. Joel 2:23-32
2.      Cf. Acts 2:38-39
II.                V. 7-14
a.       Vv. 7-9
                                                              i.      Cf. Gen. 12:3, 22:18
                                                            ii.      Paul redefines the definition of who is Abraham’s offspring
                                                          iii.      Those who believe as Abraham did, are blessed as he was
                                                          iv.      By invoking the example of Abraham, Paul is actually closer to the source, or beginning of faith in God than the Judiazers, commonalities with Abraham pre-date the Law
b.      Vv. 10-12
                                                              i.      V. 10
1.      Cf. Deut. 27:26
                                                            ii.      V. 11
1.      Cf. Habakkuk 2:4 (which is also used in Rom. 1:17)
2.      Paul ties living to “being righteous by faith”
                                                          iii.      V. 12
1.      Cf. Lev. 18:5
2.      Law and faith are diametrically opposed
3.      Human-weakness and salvation history uphold “justification by faith”
c.       Vv. 13-14
                                                              i.      V. 13
1.      Paul had to refute his own former position, which during the time he persecuted the church was surely that Jesus’ death proved that he was cursed
2.      Cf. Num. 25:4 and II Sam. 21:6
d.      The Rabbis saw two aspects of the law at work:
                                                              i.      Haggadah- Who are we?
                                                            ii.      Halakah- What are we to do?
                                                          iii.      Paul argues that the emphasis lies on the first, and that it has been misinterpreted
III.             V. 15-18
a.       V. 15
                                                              i.      No one changes an agreement that has already been made, ex post facto
b.      V. 16
                                                              i.      “Issue” or “offspring” is singular.  This is not a strained interpretation, as it was historical reality with Isaac
                                                            ii.      The seed is Christ when it comes to faith, the topic of discussion here
c.       V. 17
                                                              i.      The ratification of the covenant, or promise, began long before the law, with the stories of Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve tribes
                                                            ii.      The law cannot change the pre-existing promise
d.      Paul may be confronting here a rabbinic idea that the Law was pre-existent.  By fixing it in its historical context, Paul shows that in fact the promise predates the Law