
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Vineyard- April 29, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

I Peter 2:1-12
- The things we are told to put away are sins, but specifically they are sins that destroy community, including friendships and relationships.  Why is being in a community a necessary part of being a Christian? 
- Peter tells us to long for spiritual milk, or those things (Bible reading, worship, praying), that nourish our spirit.  Do you truly long for these things, or do you simply get by on the spiritual “junk-food” the world provides us with?
- Jesus is someone we either stumble over, or someone who build our lives on.  His teachings either get in our way, or they become a part of who we are.  Are you tripping over Jesus, or are you building your life on Him and his teaching?
Jonah 4
- Have you ever gotten angry when someone else received forgiveness for something, when they received grace or mercy?  Why do you think you felt that way?
 Anger at others not receiving punishment, or “getting what they deserve”, is often a sign that we are living life based on legalism.  That may work when it comes to our society’s laws, but it doesn’t work when it comes to our relationship with God.  Why?
- When it comes right down to it, we all deserve what Nineveh was threatened with, destruction.  If we deny grace to Nineveh, or others around us we deem to be “sinners”, we are really denying it to ourselves as well.  

Prayer Requests- April 29, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Jolee Rayne Terrell, Eraine Clark, Vera Lee Johnson, Amanda Simmons, Don Burns, Dewanna Polk, Billy Joe Monroe, storm victims, William Chisholm, Michael Fuller, Mamie Grantham, Carol Phile, Charles Ross, Huey Clark, Andy Starns, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Dalton Welch, George Johnson, Myrtle Strother, Christine Midkiff, Tracy Hall, Deborah Fuller, Gene Conway, Eddie Willis, Courtney LeBlanc, Ingrid Jones, Roxan Baden, Gage Fuller, James Wells, Presidential election, Thelma Polk
Begin praying for church camp and VBS this summer!
Continuing Requests:  Dot Melder Alton Peters, Haylee Cornett, Rita & George Lemley, Bill Goree, Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Martha Townsend, Darwin Jones, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr.
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Doris Andrus, Yvonne Bass, Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, Vonnie Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk
Deaths: The families of James Willis, David Andrews, Joyce Grantham, D. C. Carruth
Unspoken Requests
Praise: Pat Paul’s mother returned home safely after traveling with relatives.  Also, Jacob Parker Yancey was born to Chris and Michelle last week!  Both Jacob and Michelle are doing well.    

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Welcome Jacob Parker Yancey!

We join with Chris, Michelle, and the rest of the Yancey family in welcoming Jacob Parker Yancey to the world!  He arrived Friday, April 25th, weighing in at a healthy 9 lbs. 8 oz., and was 21 inches long.  Mother and son are both doing well.  We pray that God will bless baby Jacob with physical, emotional, intellectual, and  especially spiritual growth in the years ahead!  

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Vineyard- April 22, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

I Peter 1:13-25
- By telling us to “prepare our minds for action”, Peter implies that our existence as Christians is not passive, but active.  As God’s obedient children, how are we to be active in the world?
- If God is our Father, he is also impartial, in that he will judge us fairly.  How is God’s love for us shown in his fair judgment?  If you have children, how is your judging or punishing them a sign of your love and care for them?
- Peter instructs us to love one another fervently.  How does our love for one another testify to the truth of the gospel?  How does the presence of Christian community strengthen us to endure the trials of this life?

Jonah 3
- The first time God told Jonah to go to Nineveh he ran, but now he is obedient.  Has there ever been a time in your life where it took you a while to respond to God’s will for you?  What finally prompted you to be obedient?
- Upon hearing Jonah’s brief message of repentance, the people of Nineveh listen and repent, from the king right down to the livestock!  What does Nineveh’s response teach us about true repentance, and responding to God?

Prayer Requests- April 22, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Amanda Simmons, Mrs. Paul & family as they travel, Jack Cutshall, Don Burns, Dewanna Polk, Billy Joe Monroe, storm victims, William Chisholm, Michael Fuller, Mamie Grantham, Carol Phile, Charles Ross, Huey Clark, Andy Starns, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Dalton Welch, George Johnson, Myrtle Strother, Christine Midkiff, Tracy Hall, Deborah Fuller, Gene Conway, Eddie Willis, Courtney LeBlanc, Ingrid Jones, Roxan Baden, Gage Fuller, James Wells, Presidential election, Thelma Polk
Continuing Requests:  Alton Peters, Haylee Cornett, Rita & George Lemley, Bill Goree, Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Martha Townsend, Dot Melder, Darwin Jones, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr.
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Doris Andrus, Yvonne Bass, Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, Vonnie Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers
Deaths: The families of James Willis, David Andrews, Joyce Grantham, D. C. Carruth
Unspoken Requests
Praise: We rejoice with Sylvia Johnson that Becky Bankston’s adoption of Katy Grace is going to go forward!  Doris Polk has been able to return home.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Vineyard- April 15, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

I Peter 1:1-12
- Peter refers to the genuineness of our faith.  How is our faith tested to see if it is genuine?  How does our faith make itself visible, what results are seen in our everyday life?
- Peter writes that “though we do not see him, we love him”, referring to Christ.  How is it possible to love someone you have never seen?  What makes it difficult at times?
- Sometimes we think about how neat it would be to go back in history for some of the major events.  Did you ever consider that some people in the past would have loved to go forward in time to our day?  What would they have loved to have seen that has taken place in our age?

Jonah 2
 Jonah calls on the Lord when he has nothing else left to do.  How many times have you called on the Lord as a last resort?  Why do we wait so long to trust in God?
-  Many of Jonah’s problems were caused because he was running from God.  When he finally turns to God, things begin to improve.  How have you run from God in your life?  How did returning to Him improve things?  Have you returned to Him?  

Prayer Requests- April 15, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Dewanna Polk, Billy Joe Monroe, storm victims, William Chisholm, Michael Fuller, Mamie Grantham, Carol Phile, Charles Ross, Huey Clark, Doris Polk, Andy Starns, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Dalton Welch, George Johnson, Myrtle Strother, Christine Midkiff, Tracy Hall, Deborah Fuller, Gene Conway, Eddie Willis, Courtney LeBlanc, Doris Andrus, Ingrid Jones, Roxan Baden, Gage Fuller, James Wells, Presidential election, Alton Peters, Thelma Polk
Continuing Requests:  Haylee Cornett, Rita & George Lemley, Bill Goree, Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Martha Townsend, Dot Melder, Darwin Jones, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr.
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Yvonne Bass, Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, Vonnie Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk
Deaths: The families of David Andrews, Joyce Grantham, D. C. Carruth, Effie Martin, L.W. Wiggins
Unspoken Requests
Praise: We rejoice with Sylvia Johnson that Becky Bankston’s adoption of Katy Grace is going to go forward!  Doris Polk has been able to return home.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Galatians 6:11-18

Galatians 6:11-18
I. Galatians 6:11
A. V. 11
1. It was customary for Paul to write the concluding greeting in his own hand (cf.    Romans 16:22; I Corinthians 16:21; Colossians 4:18; II Thessalonians 3:17)
2. N. Turner suggests that Paul “had actually been crucified at Perga in Pamphylia”, and sustained permanent damage to his hand
3. Theodore of Mopsuestia thought that Paul used large letters “to show that he himself was neither ashamed of what he was saying nor inclined to deny it”.
4. That Paul expected them to be able to see his hand-writing implies that there was one original that circulated to the churches in Galatia
II. Galatians 6:12-17
A. V. 12
1. It is possible that those advocating circumcision are motivated by persecution from more Zealot-minded Jews in Judea
2. They wish to save face, but with whom?  Probably other Jews, whether in Jerusalem, Judea, or Galatia
3. Their emphasis on the outward rite is similar to statistic keeping in churches today, where the numbers don’t tell the story of what’s happening in the human heart
B. V. 13
1. Paul is probably applying his own former high-standards for law-keeping to his opponents, saying that they don’t know what it means to actually keep the law
“wish you to be circumcised” implies that it hasn’t happened yet
2. Compare to the situation with Peter recounted in 2:12
C. V. 14
1. Paul’s boasting is no longer in himself, or his “keeping of the law”, but in Christ, and specifically the cross of Christ
2.      “pride in the Law has been displaced by pride in the Cross; pride in ‘righteousness’ as an achievement, by pride in that which empties him of pride.”   – C. H. Dodd
3.      “The whole of Paul’s criticism of the Judaizing, circumcising movement crystallizes here; and it is the ground of self-criticism that the Church has to apply in every generation.” – C. K. Barrett
4.      Crucifixions were so reprehensible that, according to Cicero, when one was condemned to die an alternate euphemism was used, “hang him on the unlucky tree”
5.      Paul calls his message the “word of the cross” in I Corinthians 1:18
6.      Consider the words of Isaac Watts’ hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”
7.      Paul uses the perfect tense of the verb “crucify”, implying a continuing action
8.      “The world has a structure which determines the life of each individual, and so human life as a whole, and man can only escape from this through an event which breaks into the all-encompassing world of sin and open the possibility of a new existence in a new world.  It is to such an eschatological event that Paul is referring when he speaks of the crucifixion of the world.” – Robert C. Tannehill, Dying and Rising with Christ
D. V. 15
     1.    Reference to Isaiah 65:17-25?
2. The cross brings about an end to the old world, and enables a new creation.  Law            and circumcision lie firmly in the old world, justification by faith is part of the new creation
                 3. Circumcision or uncircumcision belongs to the old world
E. V. 16
1.      Cf. Psalm 125:5; 128:6
2.      Cf. Romans 11:26
3.      Only usage in the NT of the phrase “the Israel of God”
4.      The “Israel of God” is a redefinition of all the people of God, Jew and Gentile, who   see the crucified Jesus as the Messiah
F. V. 17
1.      Cf. II Corinthians 4:7-12
2.      Could it be eye-trouble from his blinding on the road to Damascus
3.      Probably referring to injuries or wounds received in service to Christ.  Paul’s stoning in Lystra happened in Galatia (cf. Acts 14:19; II Corinthians 11:25)
4.       “These wounds utter a voice louder than a trumpet against those who say I play the hypocrite in my teaching, and speak what may please men.  For no one who saw a soldier retired from the battle bathed in blood and with a thousand wounds would dare accuse him of cowardice.” – John Chrysostom
III. Galatians 6:18
A.   A.  V. 18
1.      Paul wants them to not only experience, but also focus on and believe in God’s grace. 
2.      By calling them brothers, he is reemphasizing the familial connection. 
3.      “Amen” would be part of the church’s response

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Vineyard- April 8, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Mark 16:1-8
 The women go looking for Jesus in the wrong place.  It is true he was crucified, but he is dead no longer.  Where do you go looking for Jesus?  Have you ever looked for him in the wrong place?
 The women don’t see Jesus, they simply know that his body is gone, and they are told that he has been raised.  How is this similar to our experience?  What basis do you have for believing in Jesus’ resurrection?
 If the gospel ends in verse 8, as some of the earliest versions suggest, then the gospel ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger.  How is Jesus’ story, and our story still being written?

Mark 16:9-20
 Jesus appears to different people in different circumstances and situations.  How does Jesus appear to us differently?  Why is it we come to and recognize Jesus at different stages of our lives? 
 Jesus instructs the disciples to go and preach the gospel, even though he has just rebuked them for their unbelief.  Despite their imperfection, he still wants them to tell what they have experienced.  What does this mean for us?  Are any of us let off the hook when it comes to proclaiming the message of Christ?

Prayer Requests- April 8, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Michael Fuller, Don Burns, Mamie Grantham, Carol Phile, George Westergaard, Becky Bankston & daughter Katy Grace, Charles Ross, Huey Clark, Doris Polk, Andy Starns, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Billy Joe Monroe, Dalton Welch, George Johnson, Myrtle Strother, Christine Midkiff, Tracy Hall, Deborah Fuller, Gene Conway, Eddie Willis, Courtney LeBlanc, Doris Andrus, Ingrid Jones, Roxan Baden, McKensie Bankston, Gage Fuller, James Wells, Presidential election, Alton Peters, Thelma Polk
Continuing Requests:  Haylee Cornett, Rita & George Lemley, Bill Goree, Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Martha Townsend, Dot Melder, Darwin Jones, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr.
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Yvonne Bass, Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  David Andrews, Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, Vonnie Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk
Deaths: The families of D. C. Carruth, Effie Martin, L.W. Wiggins, Patsy Bailey, Allie Mae Doyle, and Charlie Wilson
Unspoken Requests
Praise: Tucker Babb is doing better!  Also, it was wonderful to see Diane Yancey back with us after her knee surgery!!   

Friday, April 6, 2012

Arrangements for D. C. Carruth

Our sympathy goes out to Zane, Jenny, Callie, and the rest of the Carruth family on the passing of Zane's uncle D.C., or "Uncle D".  The funeral will be a graveside service at Glenmora Cemetery at 2 PM on Saturday, April 7th.  Remember the family in your thoughts and prayers as they mourn the loss of Uncle D.  A link to the obituary is posted below:  


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Vineyard- April 1, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Mark 15:33-47
When Jesus dies, the curtain of the temple is torn into two from top to bottom.  The curtain was what separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple.  How does this symbolic action represent what Jesus does in reality for us?
 It is a Roman centurion, a soldier tasked with over-seeing Jesus’ crucifixion, who remarks that surely Jesus was the Son of God.  What does it mean that even a gentile solider recognizes who Jesus is?
 Jesus identity is made apparent not in glory, power, or splendor, but in weakness, sacrifice, and suffering.  What does that tell you about the true nature of who God is?

Jonah 1
-  Have you ever been like Jonah, and attempted to flee from God’s will for your life?  What was the result?
- Because Jonah attempts to run from God, he finds himself thrown into the sea, surrounded by violent storm waters.  Have your attempts to allude God ever led you into trouble?
 Jonah is swallowed by a great fish, and while that doesn’t sound like a good thing, it turns out to be a blessing.  Have you ever had something that seemed bad turn into something good?

Prayer Requests- April 1, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Mamie Grantham, Carol Phile, George Westergaard, Becky Bankston & daughter Katy Grace, Charles Ross, Huey Clark, Doris Polk, Andy Stares, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Billy Joe Monroe, Dalton Welch, Madison Strother, Tucker Babb, George Johnson, Myrtle Strother, Christine Midkiff, Diane Yancey, Tracy Hall, Deborah Fuller, Gene Conway, Eddie Willis, Courtney LeBlanc, Doris Andrus, Ingrid Jones, Roxan Baden, McKensie Bankston, Gage Fuller, James Wells, D. C. Carruth, Presidential election, Alton Peters, Thelma Polk
Continuing Requests:  Haylee Cornett, Rita & George Lemley, Bill Goree, Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Martha Townsend, Dot Melder, Darwin Jones, Juan Martinez, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr.
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Yvonne Bass, Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  David Andrews, Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, Vonnie Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk
Deaths: L.W. Wiggins family, The Patsy Bailey family, the Allie Mae Doyle family, the Charlie Wilson family, the Wanda Dauzat family, the Bubba Jones family, the Ravier family, the Clyde Carruth family
Unspoken Requests
Praise: Madison Strother is doing better!