
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Vineyard- February 21, 2016

The Vineyard- February 21st, 2016
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

As we celebrate the 94th Anniversary of the church meeting in this location, consider what the following verses tell us about the church. 
Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read the passage. 
Matthew 16:13-20
-          Knowledge of who Jesus is the bedrock of the church.  What does Peter say about Jesus in these verses?
-          What does it mean for Jesus to be the Christ, or Messiah?
-          What does it mean for Jesus to be the Son of the living God?
-          How does Jesus’ identity define who we are as a church?
Colossians 1:15-20
-          This passage speaks about Jesus role in creation, as well as his authority in the church. 
-          What was Jesus’ role in creation? (v. 16)
-          What is Jesus continual role in the universe? (v. 17)
-          Specifically, Jesus is what for the church? (v. 18)
-          Why is it important to remember that the church belongs to Jesus, and not ourselves?
I Corinthians 12:12-31
-          In this passage Paul uses a physical body to explain how the fact that we are different, with different talents, gifts, and even weaknesses, is a good thing. 
-          Eyes are good things, but if the whole body was an eye, how would we walk, or taste, or smell, or hear, or communicate at all? 
-          Some jobs or tasks are more visible than others, but that doesn’t mean they are more important.  You can’t see your heart beating every second, but you’d be in trouble if it wasn’t!
Praise God for Jesus Christ, the foundation of the church which makes our salvation possible!
Pray for the ability and desire to be a servant in Jesus’ church, and the wisdom to discern and do his will. 
Thank God for all the various talents that keep our church body healthy!

Prayer Requests- February 21, 2016

Prayer Requests
Praise:   Logan Jones had a good eye exam.  Matthew Droddy is home from being deployed.  Robbie Bruner, Phil Upmeyer, Lavonia Seal and Leah Buller are doing better. Carol Willis is in remission. The Dobbs and Kimberly Snyder made it home safely. 
Recent RequestsSavannah Thompson & twins, Todd Mason, Dorothy Browning, Patricia Johnson, Elizabeth Bailey-Paul, Bobby Odom, Mya Sonnier, Ashley Stallings, Clyde Dunn, Ryland Dunnehoo, Sherry Clark, Michelle Dauzat, Keith Monroe, Keisha Anderson, Lisa King, Clyde Holloway, Johnny Stafford, Ms. Smith, Paula Fontenot, Edward & Kassie Walton, Arnaud family, Deborah Ryder, Linda Foster, Logan Blair, Chris Markle, the Stokes family, Alex Wilson, Betty Melder, Melody Fuglaar, Eunice Graves
Pray for the persecuted Christians, missionaries, victims of terrorism, and your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Pray for our elected and appointed leaders, as well as world leaders. 
Pray for our students, faculty, staff, and administration at the school. 
Continuing Requests: Brent Anderson; Dale Anderson, IV; Emma Armour; Kowyn Austin, Allan Babb, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Ruth Barbe, Conner Bouchie, Bernice Campbell, Carl Chellette, Haley Chisholm, Ronnie Chisholm, Huey Clark, Claire Cotton, Sampson Doyle III, James Otis Dunn, Kimmy Fix, Briley Fuller, Robert Gough, Mamie Grantham, Carolyn Gray, Dan Gray, Grady Harper, Carl Holloway, Darlene Holt, Mary Ruth Hubbard, Mike Irwin, Aline Johnson, Candy Johnson, Sylvia Johnson, Darwin Jones, Andrew Juneau, Mascel Keith, Anita Kurtz, Dennis LeDoux, Ruby Lott, Drake Martin, Iris Lee Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Dot Melder, Felix Melder, Mark Melder, Mike Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Sue Moore, Jim Owens, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Luther Paul, Dewanna Polk, Estelle Simmons, Eric Sipco, Halyn Smith, Nathan Snyder, Betty St. Andrie, Aiden Stewart, Erica Gillette Stewart, Eva Stewart, Lacy Storey, C.W. Strother, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Anna Thibadoux, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Randy Tucker, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston; Taylor Denegal, Kelvin Griffin, and those in the military
Cancer Patients:  Heather Ashworth, Marvin Banks, Ronnie Bedgood, Sylvia Bollock, Myrtis Bond, Dixie Brooks, Hedy Butler, Shirley Cameron, Kay Carruth, Mark Cary, Gleeta Chamberlain, Allen Cheek, Jerry Cole, Sally Crooks, Tyese Davis, Danny Doughy, Peppy Doughy, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Sherry Fontenot, Murray Ganson, Ronald Golmon, Sr., Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hawkins, Cheresa Hudson, Roger Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Vivian Kirby, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Linda Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Warren LeBlanc, Kaylee Lesta, Braeden Lyberski, Neda Lyberski, Joy Mancil, Roy McDonald, Dylan McElduff, Peggy Middleton, David Monroe, Laken Moreau, Bob Morrow, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Myra Page, Brenda Pringle, Angie Roberts, Evelyn Sandell, Joan Schneider, Monica Sharpe, Jannie Shipp, Donny Shows, Jeanne Simmons, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Donna Spears, Walter Stagg, Varnell Stanley, Carol Stewart, Leann Switzer, Jackie Teasely, Ann Thompson, Cliff Thornton, George VanderWalker, Edward Webb, Sr.; Dalton Welch, Charles Whitten, Carol Willis, Britney Wilson, James Wood, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Eloise Babb; Mary Ann Fuller, John Kenner, Bessy LeDoux, Doris Polk
Travelling:  Those traveling for work; Linda Sipco
Deaths: The families of Darrell Penny, Roger Price, Carol Russo, Kathryn Hardy, Jimmy Landreneau, and Red Butler
Unspoken Requests

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Vineyard- February 7, 2016

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Luke 4:31-44
Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read the passage. 
-          Are Demons Real?
o   We see Jesus casting our demons, so we know they existed.  And yet, our modern way of thinking often causes us to wonder if they still exist.  Some even suggest that the Bible referred to things we call disease (epilepsy, etc.) as demons. 
o   Some look for demons around every corner, others think they don’t exist at all.  Perhaps a better way of thinking about demons and the demonic is to realize that demons and the demonic are things that serve, or are of Satan. 
o   While is some cases a demon might manifest itself in a personal way, as they did with Jesus, most of the time the demonic presents itself it subtler ways.  Can anyone deny that the Swastika of Nazi Germany or the black flag of ISIS is a symbol of evil in our world?  Can anyone deny that demonic forces are still at work in world where millions of Jews can be murdered in gas chambers, Christians can be beheaded, and babies can be taken apart and sold in their mothers’ wombs?
-          A Broader Definition of Evil
o   Jesus rebukes the illness of Simon’s mother-in-law in the same way that he rebukes the demon in the synagogue. 
o   Could it be that Jesus sees illness and demon-possession in the same terms?
o   For Jesus, evil is not only that which is personified, such as a demon, but also anything that is contrary to the good intentions of God for his creation.  The fall brought illness, pain, and a host of others things, all of which are evil.  Jesus rebukes them in the same way he rebukes demons, because they all come from the same source, the devil. 
-          Preaching the Good News
o   Jesus preaching invoked a response from the demon possessing the man in Capernaum.  Even in our day, telling others of the good news of Jesus Christ can bring out evil. 
o   Are you prepared to confront evil around you by proclaiming the truth and goodness that is found in Jesus Christ?
Praise God for the courage to confront the evil around you by preaching Jesus Christ!
Consider this verses:

“But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!” (James 2:18-19 ESV)

Prayer Requests- February 7, 2016

Prayer Requests
Praise:   Marvin McDonald, Archie Poole, Jacob Babb and Lila Jones are doing better. Linda Sipco was able to go home.  Mark Cary all got good reports from the doctor.  Carol Willis is in remission. 
Recent Requests:  Mary Ruth Hubbard, Todd Mason, Renee Mason, Leah Buller, Dorothy Browning, Patricia Johnson, Elizabeth Bailey-Paul, Bobby Odom, Mya Sonnier, Ashley Stallings, Clyde Dunn, Ryland Dunnehoo, Sherry Clark, Michelle Dauzat, Lavonia Seal, Keith Monroe, Keisha Anderson, Lisa King, Clyde Holloway, Johnny Stafford, Ms. Smith, Robbie Bruner, Paula Fontenot, Edward & Kassie Walton, Arnaud family, Deborah Ryder, Linda Foster, Logan Blair, Chris Markle, the Stokes family, Alex Wilson, Betty Melder, Melody Fuglaar, Eunice Graves
Pray for the persecuted Christians, missionaries, victims of terrorism, and your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Pray for our elected and appointed leaders, as well as world leaders. 
Pray for our students, faculty, staff, and administration at the school. 
Continuing Requests: Brent Anderson; Dale Anderson, IV; Emma Armour; Kowyn Austin, Allan Babb, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Ruth Barbe, Conner Bouchie, Bernice Campbell, Carl Chellette, Haley Chisholm, Ronnie Chisholm, Huey Clark, Claire Cotton, Sampson Doyle III, James Otis Dunn, Kimmy Fix, Briley Fuller, Robert Gough, Mamie Grantham, Carolyn Gray, Dan Gray, Grady Harper, Carl Holloway, Darlene Holt, Mike Irwin, Aline Johnson, Sylvia Johnson, Darwin Jones, Andrew Juneau, Mascel Keith, Anita Kurtz, Dennis LeDoux, Ruby Lott, Drake Martin, Iris Lee Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Dot Melder, Felix Melder, Mark Melder, Mike Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Sue Moore, Jim Owens, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Luther Paul, Dewanna Polk, Estelle Simmons, Eric Sipco, Halyn Smith, Nathan Snyder, Betty St. Andrie, Aiden Stewart, Erica Gillette Stewart, Eva Stewart, Lacy Storey, C.W. Strother, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Anna Thibadoux, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Randy Tucker, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston; Taylor Denegal, Matthew Droddy, Kelvin Griffin, and those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Heather Ashworth, Marvin Banks, Ronnie Bedgood, Sylvia Bollock, Myrtis Bond, Dixie Brooks, Hedy Butler, Shirley Cameron, Kay Carruth, Mark Cary, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sally Crooks, Tyese Davis, Danny Doughy, Peppy Doughy, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Sherry Fontenot, Murray Ganson, Ronald Golmon, Sr., Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hawkins, Cheresa Hudson, Roger Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Vivian Kirby, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Linda Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Warren LeBlanc, Kaylee Lesta, Braeden Lyberski, Neda Lyberski, Joy Mancil, Roy McDonald, Dylan McElduff, Peggy Middleton, David Monroe, Laken Moreau, Bob Morrow, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Myra Page, Brenda Pringle, Angie Roberts, Evelyn Sandell, Joan Schneider, Monica Sharpe, Jannie Shipp, Donny Shows, Jeanne Simmons, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Donna Spears, Walter Stagg, Varnell Stanley, Carol Stewart, Leann Switzer, Jackie Teasely, Ann Thompson, Cliff Thornton, George VanderWalker, Edward Webb, Sr.; Dalton Welch, Charles Whitten, Carol Willis, Britney Wilson, James Wood, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Eloise Babb; Mary Ann Fuller, John Kenner, Bessy LeDoux, Doris Polk
Travelling:  Those traveling for work; the Babbs; the Simmons
Deaths: The families of Carol Russo, Kathryn Hardy, Jimmy Landreneau, and Red Butler

Unspoken Requests

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Vineyard- January 31, 2016

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Luke 4:14-30
Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read the passage. 
-          How Grace Comes to Us
o   When Jesus stood up in the synagogue and read from Isaiah 61, he was making a statement about his identity, about who he was.  He tells them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
o   How does Jesus proclaim good news to the poor?
o   How does Jesus proclaim liberty to those who are captives?
o   How does he give sight to the blind?
o   How does he set free the oppressed?
o   Maybe a better question to ask is, what impoverishes us?  What holds us captive?  What blinds us?  What oppresses us?
-          How Grace Goes too Far (Or so we sometimes think)
o   So long as Jesus speaks of grace for them, his audience is receptive.  But when he makes it clear that grace is also for others, even those they deem to be their enemies, they become quite angry and even violent. 
o   For the Jews that Jesus was speaking to it was foreigners who were deemed unworthy of grace.  Who is it that we consider unworthy of grace?
o   What groups of people, or what types of sinners do we often consider “irredeemable?” 
-          More Alike than Different
o   When we seek to deny grace to others, it is usually because we are focused on our difference.  However, the important things is that we are alike in some very significant ways.  First of all, we are all made in the image of God, even if we have marred that image with our sin.  Second, we are all in need of God’s grace, we have all “fallen short of the glory of God.”
Praise God for grace that came among us in the form of Jesus Christ. 
Pray for a compassionate heart, that sees others as God sees them. 
Pray for the ability to focus on our shared need for grace, rather than the differing reasons why we need that grace. 
Consider this verses:

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility.” (Ephesians 2:13-16 ESV)

Prayer Requests- January 31, 2016

Prayer Requests
Praise:   Clyde Holloway is home, but still in need of prayers.  Richard & Jeanne Simmons both got good reports from the doctor, Jeanne Simmons will be able to forego surgery, but still has to finish her remaining rounds of chemo.  R. D. Clark had successful surgery and is now home. 
Recent RequestsArchie Poole, Leah Buller, Dorothy Browning, Patricia Johnson, Monica Sharpe, Elizabeth Bailey-Paul, Bobby Odom, Mya Sonnier, Ashley Stallings, Clyde Dunn, Ryland Dunnehoo, Sherry Clark, Michelle Dauzat, Lavonia Seal, Keith Monroe, Keisha Anderson, Lisa King, Clyde Holloway, Johnny Stafford, Ms. Smith, Robbie Bruner, Paula Fontenot, Edward & Kassie Walton, Arnaud family, Deborah Ryder, Linda Foster, Logan Blair, Chris Markle, the Stokes family, Alex Wilson, Betty Melder, Melody Fuglaar, Eunice Graves
Pray for the persecuted Christians, missionaries, victims of terrorism, and your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Pray for our elected and appointed leaders, as well as world leaders. 
Pray for our students, faculty, staff, and administration at the school. 
Continuing Requests: Brent Anderson; Dale Anderson, IV; Emma Armour; Kowyn Austin, Allan Babb, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Ruth Barbe, Conner Bouchie, Bernice Campbell, Carl Chellette, Haley Chisholm, Ronnie Chisholm, Huey Clark, Claire Cotton, Sampson Doyle III, James Otis Dunn, Kimmy Fix, Briley Fuller, Robert Gough, Mamie Grantham, Carolyn Gray, Dan Gray, Grady Harper, Carl Holloway, Darlene Holt, Mike Irwin, Aline Johnson, Sylvia Johnson, Darwin Jones, Andrew Juneau, Mascel Keith, Anita Kurtz, Dennis LeDoux, Ruby Lott, Drake Martin, Iris Lee Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Dot Melder, Felix Melder, Mark Melder, Mike Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Sue Moore, Jim Owens, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Luther Paul, Dewanna Polk, Estelle Simmons, Eric Sipco, Halyn Smith, Nathan Snyder, Betty St. Andrie, Aiden Stewart, Erica Gillette Stewart, Eva Stewart, Lacy Storey, C.W. Strother, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Anna Thibadoux, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Randy Tucker, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston; Taylor Denegal, Matthew Droddy, Kelvin Griffin, and those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Heather Ashworth, Marvin Banks, Ronnie Bedgood, Sylvia Bollock, Myrtis Bond, Dixie Brooks, Hedy Butler, Shirley Cameron, Kay Carruth, Mark Cary, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sally Crooks, Tyese Davis, Danny Doughy, Peppy Doughy, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Sherry Fontenot, Murray Ganson, Ronald Golmon, Sr., Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hawkins, Cheresa Hudson, Roger Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Vivian Kirby, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Linda Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Warren LeBlanc, Kaylee Lesta, Braeden Lyberski, Neda Lyberski, Joy Mancil, Roy McDonald, Dylan McElduff, Peggy Middleton, David Monroe, Laken Moreau, Bob Morrow, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Myra Page, Brenda Pringle, Angie Roberts, Evelyn Sandell, Joan Schneider, Jannie Shipp, Linda Sipco, Donny Shows, Jeanne Simmons, Richard Simmons, Connor Smith, Donna Spears, Walter Stagg, Varnell Stanley, Carol Stewart, Leann Switzer, Jackie Teasely, Ann Thompson, Cliff Thornton, George VanderWalker, Edward Webb, Sr.; Dalton Welch, Charles Whitten, Carol Willis, Britney Wilson, James Wood, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Eloise Babb; Mary Ann Fuller, John Kenner, Bessy LeDoux, Doris Polk
Travelling:  Those traveling for work
Deaths: The families of Carol Russo, Kathryn Hardy, Jimmy Landreneau, Red Butler, Lawrence Taylor, Michael & Janis Perkins, Amber Dixon, and Marie Powell
Unspoken Requests