
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Vineyard- August 28, 2016

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read Exodus 1:1-22
God’s Story Continues
-          Exodus begins with a connection back to Genesis, and a reference to Jacob, his sons, and his descendants. 
-          Despite the passage of time, God wants us to understand that the same God that created Israel, would redeem Israel. 
-          Similarly, the same God who created us has acted to redeem us. 
-          Do you trust that God created you for a purpose, and has acted to redeem you so that you can fulfill that purpose?
Fear of Losing Control
-          Pharaoh sets out on a murderous, destructive path, because he is motivated by fear of losing control. 
-          Pharaoh sees the Israelites as threats, which causes him to treat them brutally. 
-          Earlier in Genesis, humanity tries to construct the Tower of Babel in an attempt to gain control, to reach the same height as God.
-          Here, we see Pharaoh resort to brutality to maintain the control he senses himself and his nation losing over the Israelites. 
-          Have you ever allowed fear of losing control to cause you to mistreat others?
-          Passages to Consider: Genesis 11:3
Controlling Fear
-          Pharaoh is controlled by his fear of losing control, while the Hebrew midwives are controlled by their fear of the Lord. 
-          Pharaoh, despite his power is never named.  Meanwhile, the Hebrew midwives are mentioned by name, despite having seemingly normal jobs. 
-          Fear of the world causes us to focus on ourselves, our own survival, our own success, but fear of the Lord motivates us to do the right thing. 
-          It wasn’t easy for the Hebrew midwives to go against Pharaoh- he could have them killed!  And yet, they feared God more than they feared man, and that helped them do the right thing even when it wasn’t convenient. 
-          What fear controls you?  What fear motivates you?  Is it a fear of the world, a fear of being left out, a fear of being mocked?  Or is it a fear of disappointing God, and going against his will?
Praise God for being our creator and our redeemer. 
Pray that we will rise above the fear of losing control. 

Pray for a healthy fear of the Lord, to guide you into obedience and his divine will.  

Prayer Requests- August 28, 2016

Praise:   Geneva Norsworthy and Mamie Grantham were able to come home.  Mark Dauzat made it home safely.  Ruby Ulmer; Zayne Pate; Ryles, Toun Vilaysack, Phyllis Wheat, and Charlie Hudson are doing better.   
Recent RequestsMelinda Carruth, Lillian Ryles, Russ Reeves, Philip Orr; our families impacted by flooding; Denham Springs Church of Christ; Jordan Pollard; Samantha Gunter; Christine Taylor; Ashley Stallings, Jason Guillot’s father, Michael Clark, Hunter Anderson, Jessie Fuller; Drew Broussard, Jaycee Fuller, Robert Garcia, Dave Butler, Jehtt Wilmore, Dillard Fontenot, Rob Woodard Ashley Strother, Mrs. Jimmie Banks, Felix & Elaine Melder, Melvin Lucas, Danielle Cloud, Deborah Cloud, Heather Hensley, Charles Peters, Twiggy Johnson, Edna Woodard, Todd Mason, Dorothy Browning, Elizabeth Bailey-Paul, Clyde Dunn, Keith Monroe, Lisa King, Clyde Holloway
Pray for the persecuted Christians, missionaries, victims of violence, and your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Pray for our elected and appointed leaders, as well as world leaders. 
Pray for our students, faculty, staff, and administration at the school. 
Pray for those in south Louisiana impacted by the flooding.
Continuing Requests: Brent Anderson; Dale Anderson, IV; Emma Armour; Kowyn Austin, Allan Babb, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Ruth Barbe, Conner Bouchie, Carl Chellette, Haley Chisholm, Ronnie Chisholm, Flo Conway, RC Conway, Claire Cotton, Sampson Doyle III, James Otis Dunn, Kimmy Fix, Briley Fuller, Robert Gough, Mamie Grantham, Carolyn Gray, Dan Gray, Grady Harper, Carl Holloway, Darlene Holt, Mary Ruth Hubbard, Mike Irwin, Aline Johnson, Candy Johnson, Sylvia Johnson, Darwin Jones, Andrew Juneau, Mascel Keith, Dennis LeDoux, Drake Martin, Iris Lee Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Dot Melder, Felix Melder, Mark Melder, Mike Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Sue Moore, Jim Owens, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Luther Paul, Dewanna Polk, Kirby Roy, Ruth Sheltman, Estelle Simmons, Eric Sipco, Halyn Smith, Betty St. Andrie, Aiden Stewart, Erica Gillette Stewart, Lacy Storey, C.W. Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Anna Thibadoux, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Randy Tucker, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston; Taylor Denegal, Kelvin Griffin, Tyler Johnson, and those in the military
Cancer Patients:  Heather Ashworth, Marvin Banks, Ronnie Bedgood, Sylvia Bollock, Ashley Brown, Hedy Butler, Shirley Cameron, Mark Cary, Raymond Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sally Crooks, Tyese Davis, Danny Doughy, Donna Dyson, Billy Ellington, Ruth Ann Fisher, Sherry Fontenot, Murray Ganson, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hawkins, Cheresa Hudson, Donnie Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Vivian Kirby, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Linda Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Warren LeBlanc, Kaylee Lesta, Braeden Lyberski, Neda Lyberski, Joy Mancil, Roy McDonald, Peggy Middleton, Henry Millsap, David Monroe, Otis Monroe; Laken Moreau, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Myra Page, Kyle Pearson, Evelyn Sandell, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Carolyn Spears, Donna Spears, Walter Stagg, Varnell Stanley, Carol Stewart, Leann Switzer, Jackie Teasely, Cliff Thornton, Jean Valdeterio; Troy Verheyden; Dalton Welch, Brenda West, Charles Whitten, Carol Willis, Britney Wilson, James Wood, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Eloise Babb; Mary Ann Fuller, John Kenner, Bessy LeDoux
Travelling:  Those traveling for work (Sloan); Linda Sipco
Deaths: The families of Darrell Prestridge; Myrtle Strother; Norris Smith; Yolanda Skinner

Unspoken Requests

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Vineyard- August 21, 2016

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read Galatians 6:1-18
Relating to Each Other
-          Paul mentions several ways that we relate to one another as Christian brothers and sisters. 
-          What does Paul say our attitude should be toward a brother or sister caught in sin?
-          Why does he tell us to have an attitude of gentleness?
-          How do we balance bearing one another’s burdens, with carrying our own load?
-          How do we discern when to help others? 
-          How is bearing others burdens being like Christ?  What burden did Jesus bear for us?
-          Paul cautions us against comparing ourselves to others.  If we truly want to grow, we should judge ourselves against Christ, which will always show us there is room for improvement!
-          Passages to Consider: Matthew 18:15; Luke 18:9-14; II Corinthians 10:12; Philippians 2:3-4
We Reap what we Sow
-          God has set up nature so that we reap what we sow.  If we plant corn, we don’t expect to harvest wheat!
-          What is true of agriculture, is also true of our spiritual life.  If we sow in the flesh, we will reap in the flesh.  We will reap corruption. 
-          How might we reap in the Spirit, so as to inherit eternal life?
-          Passages to Consider: Job 4:8-9; Romans 8:12-14; II Corinthians 9:6
New Creation in Christ
-          We are a new creation in Christ Jesus. 
-          That means not only are we forgiven, but we are to have a different mindset. 
-          Are you a new creation, do you think and act differently as a Christian than you did prior to accepting Christ?
-          If you have changed little, or not at all, what does that tell you?
-          Passage to Consider: Philippians 3:8-11
Pray that we will embrace a truly Christian way of relating to one another that models the love of Christ to our community. 
Pray that we will have the wisdom to sow to the Spirit, so that we might reap spiritual rewards. 

Praise God for the blood of Christ, which makes us a new creation!         

Prayer Requests- August 21, 2016

Praise:   Mark Dauzat made it home safely.  Lillian Ryles got a good report from St. Judes.  Toun Vilaysack, Phyllis Wheat, and Charlie Hudson are doing better.
Recent Requests: Philip Orr; our families impacted by flooding; Denham Springs Church of Christ; Jordan Pollard; Geneva Norsworthy; Samantha Gunter; Zayne Pate; Christine Taylor; Ashley Stallings, Jason Guillot’s father, Ruth Sheltman, Michael Clark, Hunter Anderson, Jessie Fuller; Drew Broussard, Jaycee Fuller, Robert Garcia, Dave Butler, Jehtt Wilmore, Dillard Fontenot, Rob Woodard Ashley Strother, Mrs. Jimmie Banks, Felix & Elaine Melder, Melvin Lucas, Danielle Cloud, Deborah Cloud, Heather Hensley, Charles Peters, Twiggy Johnson, Edna Woodard, Todd Mason, Dorothy Browning, Elizabeth Bailey-Paul, Clyde Dunn, Keith Monroe, Lisa King, Clyde Holloway
Pray for the persecuted Christians, missionaries, victims of violence, and your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Pray for our elected and appointed leaders, as well as world leaders. 
Pray for our students, faculty, staff, and administration at the school. 
Pray for those in south Louisiana impacted by the flooding.
Continuing Requests: Brent Anderson; Dale Anderson, IV; Emma Armour; Kowyn Austin, Allan Babb, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Ruth Barbe, Conner Bouchie, Carl Chellette, Haley Chisholm, Ronnie Chisholm, Flo Conway, RC Conway, Claire Cotton, Sampson Doyle III, James Otis Dunn, Kimmy Fix, Briley Fuller, Robert Gough, Mamie Grantham, Carolyn Gray, Dan Gray, Grady Harper, Carl Holloway, Darlene Holt, Mary Ruth Hubbard, Mike Irwin, Aline Johnson, Candy Johnson, Sylvia Johnson, Darwin Jones, Andrew Juneau, Mascel Keith, Dennis LeDoux, Drake Martin, Iris Lee Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Dot Melder, Felix Melder, Mark Melder, Mike Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Sue Moore, Jim Owens, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Luther Paul, Dewanna Polk, Kirby Roy, Estelle Simmons, Eric Sipco, Halyn Smith, Betty St. Andrie, Aiden Stewart, Erica Gillette Stewart, Lacy Storey, C.W. Strother, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Anna Thibadoux, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Randy Tucker, Ruby Ulmer, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston; Taylor Denegal, Kelvin Griffin, Tyler Johnson, and those in the military
Cancer Patients:  Heather Ashworth, Marvin Banks, Ronnie Bedgood, Sylvia Bollock, Ashley Brown, Hedy Butler, Shirley Cameron, Mark Cary, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sally Crooks, Tyese Davis, Danny Doughy, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Sherry Fontenot, Murray Ganson, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hawkins, Cheresa Hudson, Donnie Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Vivian Kirby, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Linda Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Warren LeBlanc, Kaylee Lesta, Braeden Lyberski, Neda Lyberski, Joy Mancil, Roy McDonald, Peggy Middleton, Henry Millsap, David Monroe, Otis Monroe; Laken Moreau, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Myra Page, Kyle Pearson, Evelyn Sandell, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Carolyn Spears, Donna Spears, Walter Stagg, Varnell Stanley, Carol Stewart, Leann Switzer, Jackie Teasely, Cliff Thornton, Jean Valdeterio; Troy Verheyden; Dalton Welch, Brenda West, Charles Whitten, Carol Willis, Britney Wilson, James Wood, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Eloise Babb; Mary Ann Fuller, John Kenner, Bessy LeDoux
Travelling:  Those traveling for work (Sloan); Linda Sipco
Deaths: The families of Darrell Prestridge; Myrtle Strother; Norris Smith; Yolanda Skinner, Ruby Smith, Ronald Golmon, Sr.
Unspoken Requests

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Vineyard- August 14, 2016

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read Galatians 5:16-26
Fruit of the Spirit
-          love: I Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 5:6, 13, 14; Ephesians 5:1-2; I John 4:16
-          joy: John 15:9-11; Romans 14:17; 15:13; II Corinthians 7:4; Philippians 3:1; 4:4; I Thessalonians 1:6
-          peace: John 14:27; Romans 14:19; Ephesians 6:15; Philippians 4:7; Colossians 3:15
-          patience: Psalm 103:8; Romans 2:4; 9:22; I Corinthians 13:4; Ephesians 4:1-3; Colossians 3:12; I Thessalonians 5:14; I Timothy 1:16
-          kindness: Romans 2:4; 11:22; I Corinthians 13:4; Ephesians 2:7; 4:32
-          goodness: Psalm 34:8; 136:1; Matthew 20:15
-     faithfulness: Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 16:10; I Corinthians 4:2; I Timothy 6:11
-                     -           gentleness: Numbers 12:3; Psalm 37:11; Matthew 5:5; 11:29; II Corinthians 10:1; Ephesians               4:2; Colossians 3:12; Titus 3:2
-          self-control: I Corinthians 7:5, 9; 9:25; Titus 1:8
Over the course of this week, review the passages that tell us about each of the virtues that are considered “fruit of the Spirit.”
Consider how you might welcome God’s Spirit into your life in a greater capacity, allowing it to produce more of these virtues. 

Pray for the wisdom to cultivate the Spirit, and resist the influence of the flesh.         

Prayer Requests- August 14, 2016

Praise:   Dr. David Elliott; Bernice Campbell; Erlene Melder; Anita Kurtz; Pam Jones; and Melissa Simmons are doing better. Bob Morrow was able to go home.  Halle Melder had a fall, but thankfully wasn’t hurt.  Michelle Dauzat; the Bullers; Josh Dauzat and family and Tim & Renee Mason and family made it home safely. 
Recent RequestsPhilip Orr; Lillian Ryles; our families impacted by flooding; Denham Springs Church of Christ; Jordan Pollard; Charlie Hudson; Geneva Norsworthy; Phyllis Wheat; Samantha Gunter; Zayne Pate; Christine Taylor; Ashley Stallings, Jason Guillot’s father, Ruth Sheltman, Michael Clark, Hunter Anderson, Jessie Fuller; Toun Vilaysack, Drew Broussard, Jaycee Fuller, Robert Garcia, Dave Butler, Jehtt Wilmore, Dillard Fontenot, Rob Woodard Ashley Strother, Mrs. Jimmie Banks, Felix & Elaine Melder, Melvin Lucas, Danielle Cloud, Deborah Cloud, Heather Hensley, Charles Peters, Twiggy Johnson, Edna Woodard, Todd Mason, Dorothy Browning, Elizabeth Bailey-Paul, Clyde Dunn, Keith Monroe, Lisa King, Clyde Holloway
Pray for the persecuted Christians, missionaries, victims of violence, and your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Pray for our elected and appointed leaders, as well as world leaders. 
Pray for our students, faculty, staff, and administration at the school. 
Pray for those in south Louisiana impacted by the flooding.
Continuing Requests: Brent Anderson; Dale Anderson, IV; Emma Armour; Kowyn Austin, Allan Babb, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Ruth Barbe, Conner Bouchie, Carl Chellette, Haley Chisholm, Ronnie Chisholm, Flo Conway, RC Conway, Claire Cotton, Sampson Doyle III, James Otis Dunn, Kimmy Fix, Briley Fuller, Robert Gough, Mamie Grantham, Carolyn Gray, Dan Gray, Grady Harper, Carl Holloway, Darlene Holt, Mary Ruth Hubbard, Mike Irwin, Aline Johnson, Candy Johnson, Sylvia Johnson, Darwin Jones, Andrew Juneau, Mascel Keith, Dennis LeDoux, Drake Martin, Iris Lee Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Dot Melder, Felix Melder, Mark Melder, Mike Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Sue Moore, Jim Owens, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Luther Paul, Dewanna Polk, Kirby Roy, Estelle Simmons, Eric Sipco, Halyn Smith, Betty St. Andrie, Aiden Stewart, Erica Gillette Stewart, Lacy Storey, C.W. Strother, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Anna Thibadoux, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Randy Tucker, Ruby Ulmer, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston; Taylor Denegal, Kelvin Griffin, Tyler Johnson, and those in the military
Cancer Patients:  Heather Ashworth, Marvin Banks, Ronnie Bedgood, Sylvia Bollock, Ashley Brown, Hedy Butler, Shirley Cameron, Mark Cary, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sally Crooks, Tyese Davis, Danny Doughy, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Sherry Fontenot, Murray Ganson, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hawkins, Cheresa Hudson, Donnie Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Vivian Kirby, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Linda Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Warren LeBlanc, Kaylee Lesta, Braeden Lyberski, Neda Lyberski, Joy Mancil, Roy McDonald, Peggy Middleton, David Monroe, Otis Monroe; Laken Moreau, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Myra Page, Kyle Pearson, Evelyn Sandell, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Carolyn Spears, Donna Spears, Walter Stagg, Varnell Stanley, Carol Stewart, Leann Switzer, Jackie Teasely, Cliff Thornton, Jean Valdeterio; Troy Verheyden; Dalton Welch, Brenda West, Charles Whitten, Carol Willis, Britney Wilson, James Wood, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Eloise Babb; Mary Ann Fuller, John Kenner, Bessy LeDoux
Travelling:  Those traveling for work (Sloan); Linda Sipco
Deaths: The families of Norris Smith; Yolanda Skinner, Ruby Smith, Ronald Golmon, Sr., Roberta Henson, Eva Stewart, Brenda Pringle, Diane Yancey
Unspoken Requests

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Vineyard- July 31, 2016

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read Galatians 4:21-5:1
Slavery vs. Freedom
-          The first comparison Paul offers us in this passage is between slavery and freedom. 
-          The way of trying to achieve salvation by human effort is akin to being enslaved, while relying on God’s promise is freedom. 
-          Ironically, there is freedom in finding ourselves helpless before God. 
Flesh vs. Promise
-          Abraham and Sarah tried to speed up God’s timing by having a child via Hagar. 
-          What we learn is that our attempts to speed up God’s timing, or bring about the fulfillment of his Promise, lead only to grief and difficulties. 
-          Passages to Consider: Genesis 18:13-14
Present Jerusalem vs. Jerusalem Above
-          In Paul’s day, many Jews seemed focused on the Law, and the religious rituals that took place in Jerusalem. 
-          Paul would argue that the heart of the Jewish faith is God’s Promise to Abraham, and that Promise is found in the Jerusalem above, not the Jerusalem below. 
-          We long for the Jerusalem Above, because the heavenly Jerusalem is where Jesus is found. 
-          Passages to Consider: Isaiah 54:1; Colossians 3:1-2
Flesh vs. Spirit
-          The way of the flesh will always mock, or persecute the way of the Spirit. 
-          The flesh and the Spirit cannot coexist, we must cast out the way of the flesh, and embrace the way of the Spirit!
-          Passage to Consider: Genesis 21:8-10
Pray that we will embrace the work of God’s Spirit as opposed to the effort of the flesh. 

Pray that we will find freedom in our helplessness before God, rather than enslaving ourselves to our own attempts at justification.     

Prayer Requests- July 31, 2016

Praise:   Whitley Paul was born to Kyron and Steph Paul, both baby and mother are doing well.  Geraldine Clark is doing better.  Ruth Sheltman was able to move to rehab; Monica Sharpe got a clean bill of health after her treatments for cancer.  Jenny & Callie Carruth; Dennis and Kelly Fuller and family; Ben and Carol Midkiff and family; Michael & Michelle Fuller and family; Bo & Claudia Johnson all made it home safely. 
Recent RequestsChristine Taylor; Ashley Stallings, Bob Morrow; Jason Guillot’s father, Dr. David Elliott, Ruth Sheltman, Michael Clark, Hunter Anderson, Norris Smith, Jessie Fuller; Toun Vilaysack, Drew Broussard, Jaycee Fuller, Robert Garcia, Dave Butler, Jehtt Wilmore, Dillard Fontenot, Rob Woodard Ashley Strother, Mrs. Jimmie Banks, Felix & Elaine Melder, Melvin Lucas, Danielle Cloud, Deborah Cloud, Heather Hensley, Charles Peters, Twiggy Johnson, Edna Woodard, Todd Mason, Dorothy Browning, Elizabeth Bailey-Paul, Clyde Dunn, Keith Monroe, Lisa King, Clyde Holloway
Pray for the persecuted Christians, missionaries, victims of violence, and your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Pray for our elected and appointed leaders, as well as world leaders. 
Pray for our students, faculty, staff, and administration at the school. 
Continuing Requests: Brent Anderson; Dale Anderson, IV; Emma Armour; Kowyn Austin, Allan Babb, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Ruth Barbe, Conner Bouchie, Bernice Campbell, Carl Chellette, Haley Chisholm, Ronnie Chisholm, Flo Conway, RC Conway, Claire Cotton, Sampson Doyle III, James Otis Dunn, Kimmy Fix, Briley Fuller, Robert Gough, Mamie Grantham, Carolyn Gray, Dan Gray, Grady Harper, Carl Holloway, Darlene Holt, Mary Ruth Hubbard, Mike Irwin, Aline Johnson, Candy Johnson, Sylvia Johnson, Darwin Jones, Andrew Juneau, Mascel Keith, Anita Kurtz, Dennis LeDoux, Drake Martin, Iris Lee Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Dot Melder, Felix Melder, Mark Melder, Mike Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Sue Moore, Jim Owens, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Luther Paul, Dewanna Polk, Kirby Roy, Estelle Simmons, Eric Sipco, Halyn Smith, Betty St. Andrie, Aiden Stewart, Erica Gillette Stewart, Lacy Storey, C.W. Strother, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Anna Thibadoux, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Randy Tucker, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston; Taylor Denegal, Kelvin Griffin, Tyler Johnson, and those in the military
Cancer Patients:  Heather Ashworth, Marvin Banks, Ronnie Bedgood, Sylvia Bollock, Ashley Brown, Hedy Butler, Shirley Cameron, Mark Cary, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sally Crooks, Tyese Davis, Danny Doughy, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Sherry Fontenot, Murray Ganson, Ronald Golmon, Sr., Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hawkins, Cheresa Hudson, Donnie Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Vivian Kirby, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Linda Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Warren LeBlanc, Kaylee Lesta, Braeden Lyberski, Neda Lyberski, Joy Mancil, Roy McDonald, Peggy Middleton, David Monroe, Otis Monroe; Laken Moreau, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Myra Page, Kyle Pearson, Evelyn Sandell, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Carolyn Spears, Donna Spears, Walter Stagg, Varnell Stanley, Carol Stewart, Leann Switzer, Jackie Teasely, Cliff Thornton, Jean Valdeterio; Troy Verheyden; Dalton Welch, Brenda West, Charles Whitten, Carol Willis, Britney Wilson, James Wood, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Eloise Babb; Mary Ann Fuller, John Kenner, Bessy LeDoux
Travelling:  Those traveling for work (Sloan); Linda Sipco; Michelle Dauzat; the Bullers; Josh Dauzat and family;Tim & Renee Mason and family
Deaths: The families of Roberta Henson, Eva Stewart, Brenda Pringle, Diane Yancey, Bonnie Elliott

Unspoken Requests