
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Vineyard- May 27, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

I Peter 3:1-22:
- According to this passage, what is the end goal of wives submission to their husbands?
- The honor that husbands show their wives are due to what two things?
- Rather than returning evil for evil, or reviling for reviling, what are we as Christians called to do?
- Why should we always be prepared to tell people the reason for the hope that we have?
 According to this passage, baptism is a way of appealing to whom?  What do we hope to gain through this appeal?

Psalm 16:
-  In this psalm, what is the relationship of David to others who worship and fear God?
 - What happens to those who “run after other gods?
- When it says God will not abandon our soul to Sheol, what does that mean?  What does it mean that he will not allow his holy one to see corruption?
       - Where is fullness of joy to be found?
       -  Where can we find pleasures forevermore? 

Prayer Requests- May 27, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Ashley Dauzat, Blake Soptick, Cindy Pace, Clyde Dunn, Candy Gordy, Charline Babb (Allan, Eraine, and Jenny’s aunt), Arvis Midkiff, J. W. Lott, Alton Johnson, Harry Prather, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Dewanna Polk, Michael Fuller, Andy Starns, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Dalton Welch, Christine Midkiff, Deborah Fuller, James Wells, Presidential election, Thelma Polk
Begin praying for church camp and VBS this summer!
Continuing Requests: Roanne Ballio, Haylee Cornett, Gage Fuller, Bill Goree, George Johnson, Darwin Jones, Rita & George Lemley, Ralph McCluggage, Dot Melder, Billy Joe Monroe, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Alton Peters, Carol Phile, Benny Richard, Myrtle Strother, Martha Townsend
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Sylvia Bollock Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, William Chisholm, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Roger Johnson, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk
Travelling: Huey and Eraine Clark, Josh Dauzat
Deaths: The families of Mary Ellen Mason, Connie Carter, Doris Andrus, Cindy Tate, LaNell Fee, Gene Conway, Vonnie Johnson, Charles Ross, Jeanette Maricle
Unspoken Requests
Praise: Darwin Jones’ eye surgery went well.  Arvis Midkiff has seen substantial improvement in his condition in a past week to ten days!  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Vineyard- May 20, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

I Peter 2:13-25:
- What does God tell us to be subject to human authorities?  When we show submission to our human rulers and those over us, who are we really doing it for?
- How does this passage tell us to treat other human beings?  How does it tell us to treat other Christians?  How are we to treat God?
- Our ability to suffer injustice is motivated by whose ability to suffer injustice?
- When Christ suffered injustice, who was he doing it for? 
- Who are we to entrust ourselves to?

Psalm 24:
- In this psalm the Lord claims ownership of the world, and all that is in it.  On what basis does God make this claim?
- According to this psalm, who is it that may approach the Lord? 
- The psalm says we will receive “righteousness” from the God of our salvation.   What does that mean?
- What names are used for God in this psalm?  What significance do you think they have?

Prayer Requests- May 20, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Clyde Dunn, Candy Gordy, Charline Babb (Allan, Eraine, and Jenny’s aunt), , Darwin Jones, Arvis Midkiff, J. W. Lott, Alton Johnson, Harry Prather, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Dewanna Polk, Michael Fuller, Andy Starns, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Dalton Welch, Christine Midkiff, Deborah Fuller, James Wells, Presidential election, Thelma Polk
Begin praying for church camp and VBS this summer!
Continuing Requests: Roanne Ballio, Haylee Cornett, Gage Fuller, Bill Goree, George Johnson, Darwin Jones, Rita & George Lemley, Ralph McCluggage, Dot Melder, Billy Joe Monroe, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Alton Peters, Carol Phile, Benny Richard, Myrtle Strother, Martha Townsend
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Sylvia Bollock Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, William Chisholm, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Roger Johnson, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk
Travelling: Huey and Eraine Clark, Josh Dauzat
Deaths: The families of Doris Andrus, Cindy Tate, Linnel Fee, Gene Conway, Vonnie Johnson, Charles Ross, JeanetteMaricle
Unspoken Requests
Praise: Darwin Jones’ eye surgery went well.  

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I Thessalonians 2:1-12

I Thessalonians 2:1-12
I.                   V. 1-2
                                                              i.      The letter moves on to the personal experience of the Thessalonians with Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, and with their work among them
                                                            ii.      Cf. Isaiah 65:23
                                                          iii.      Cf. Acts 16:19-40 for Paul and Silvanus’ treatment in Philippi
                                                          iv.      Cf. Acts 17:1-9 for their treatment in Thessalonica
                                                            v.      Refer back to 1:5, 9
                                                          vi.       “in the midst of a great struggle”- cf. I Corinthians 9:24-27
                                                        vii.      Opposition is Greek word agon, from which we derive our word “agony”
1.       Agon has it’s root in an athletic contest
                                                      viii.      Paul’s treatment in Philippi would have violated his dignity as a Roman citizen
II.                V. 3
                                                              i.      Error or impurity cannot be the source of their appeal, for the gospel has its origin with God.  Furthermore, Paul does not use deception by making false promises or trickery
                                                            ii.      “error” could also be translated as “deceit”, and given a moral rather than intellectual slant
III.             V. 4
                                                              i.      Philosophers would examine themselves, but Paul has been examined by God and found worthy
                                                            ii.      God approved them for a task, but continues to scrutinize their behavior, and more importantly their heart, so that their message must conform to what pleases him, rather than what pleases men
                                                          iii.      Cf. Psalm 7:9; 17:3; Jeremiah 11:20; 12:3; 17:9 for God testing hearts
IV.             V. 5
                                                              i.      Flattery was deemed a vice in the ancient world
                                                            ii.       “Flattering speech” is an outward action, “veiled desire to exploit” is an inward attitude or motivation
                                                          iii.      “as you yourselves know” tests conduct, “God is witness” tests motives
V.                V. 6-7a
                                                              i.      They were not motivated by the thought of receiving honor from them, or others, though this is something they could have done as apostles. 
                                                            ii.      First use of “apostle” in I Thessalonians
                                                          iii.       “Apostles” probably refers to Paul and Silvanus, but not Timothy, as elsewhere he isn’t referred to or classified as an apostle (II Corinthians 1:1; Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:1)
                                                          iv.      Could be referring to a financial burden or imposition based on the other usage of the Greek word barei , cf. Galatians 6:2
                                                            v.      Should it be “gentle” or “infants”?
VI.             V. 7b-8
                                                              i.      Should translate “nursing mother” rather than “wet-nurse” based on the reference to “her children”
                                                            ii.       “A mother in nursing her child makes no show of authority and does not stand on any dignity…(and) reveals a wonderful  and extraordinary love, because she spares no trouble or effort, avoids no care, is not wearied by their coming and going, and gladly even gives her own lifeblood to be drained.” – John Calvin
                                                          iii.      Cf. Numbers 11:12
                                                          iv.      The preacher or missionary’s being is connected to his message.  He must give his entire self to the work of proclaiming the gospel.
                                                            v.      Psyche, ones very self, which is what Paul shares, motivated by love
                                                          vi.      Not only did they not take from the Thessalonians, but they actually shared with them
VII.          V. 9
                                                              i.      “Excellent is study of the Law together with worldly occupation, for toil in them both puts sin out of mind.  But all study of the Law without (worldly) labour comes to naught at the last and brings sin in its train.” – Rabbi Gamaliel III
                                                            ii.      Paul’s preaching is inextricably linked to his giving of himself through manual labor, so as not to burden them
                                                          iii.      At the time of writing this, Paul was probably making tents in Corinth
VIII.       V. 10
                                                              i.      “holy, just, and faultless”, covers both inner attitudes and outer actions
                                                            ii.      God is invoked as a witness to Paul’s inner disposition, complimenting the Thessalonians knowledge of their outward behavior
                                                          iii.      The Stoic philosopher Seneca recommended that people seek out “men who teach us by their lives, who tell us what we ought to do and then prove it by practice, who show us what we should avoid, and then are never caught doing that which they have ordered us to avoid.”
IX.             V. 11-12
                                                              i.      The instruction of the father comes after the nurture of a mother
                                                            ii.      Paul’s treatment of them was as individuals, as well as a group
                                                          iii.      It was the father’s role to socialize, or in this case re-socialize, his children
                                                          iv.      Cf. I Corinthians 4:14; II Corinthians 12:14; Galatians 4:19
                                                            v.      “walk”- Christianity was referred to as “the way”, and “worthily” modifies walk since by itself it is a neutral term
                                                          vi.      Just as we “walk”, we are also “called” by God into his kingdom and glory.  God acts first, and we respond
                                                        vii.      “Dominion” might be better reading than “kingdom”

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Vineyard- May 13, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

I Samuel 1:1-28:
- Have you ever wanted something really bad, but not received it?  Did you ever become jealous of others?  How did you did with your jealously and disappointment?
- Hannah channels her disappointment into renewed prayer to God.  Have you ever turned to God because of prolonged disappointment or desperation?  What did you learn from your experience?
- God grants Hannah’s request, and in return Hannah dedicates her child to God’s service.  What requests of yours has God granted?  How did you show you were thankful?

I Samuel 2:1-11
- What is Hannah’s response to all that the Lord has done for her? 
- In her prayer, what does Hannah say of the Lord?  What does the Lord’s salvation look like in Hannah’s life? 
-         What attributes does Hannah use to describe God?  How do those attributes or characteristics of God bless Hannah?
      - Hannah refers to several groups of people that the Lord seems to favor, or grant special help to.  Who are they?  Why do you think God is especially compassionate to those groups of people?

Prayer Requests- May 13, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Sylvia Bollock, Pat Paul & family travelling, Darwin Jones, Arvis Midkiff, Anna, Clint, and George Westergaard are travelling, J. W. Lott, Alton Johnson, Ralph McCluggage, Harry Prather, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Amanda Simmons, Dewanna Polk, Michael Fuller, Mamie Grantham, Andy Starns, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Dalton Welch, Christine Midkiff, Deborah Fuller, James Wells, Presidential election, Thelma Polk
Begin praying for church camp and VBS this summer!
Continuing Requests: Roanne Ballio, Haylee Cornett, Gage Fuller, Bill Goree, George Johnson, Darwin Jones, Rita & George Lemley, Dot Melder, Billy Joe Monroe, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Alton Peters, Carol Phile, Benny Richard, Myrtle Strother, Martha Townsend
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Doris Andrus, Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, William Chisholm, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Roger Johnson, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk
Deaths: The families of Gene Conway, Vonnie Johnson, Charles Ross, JeanetteMaricle, Jo Ella Johnson, James Willis
Unspoken Requests
Praise: Maria LaMartiner is cancer free!  Don Burns has been able to go back to work.  Also, Carol Phile is doing well!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Vineyard- May 6, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Acts 8:1-3
- It might seem odd to choose a passage about Saul and his persecution of the church as devotional material.  Just prior to this in Acts 7, we see Saul present for the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr.  Does it seem odd to you to read of Saul’s activity here, and think that this is the same man who preach, taught, and wrote so much about Jesus Christ later? 
- Paul, who before he was a Christian was known as Saul, was passionate about whatever he did.  God took that passion, and redirected from the wrong thing, to the right thing.  Have you allowed God to redirect your passions?  Have you allowed God to transform you?

I Corinthians 15:3-11
- Paul refers to the gospel he delivered to the Corinthians as being of “first importance.”  Why is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ the most important thing in our lives as Christians?
- Paul refers to himself as the least of the apostles, because he once was an active persecutor of the church of God.  And yet, now we read a letter written by him through the work of the Holy Spirit, as part of our Bible, as a part of Holy Scripture.  What does that tell you about God’s ability to overcome our past, and transform us for his use?
- We read that “whether it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed.”  Why is the message more important than the messenger? 

Prayer Requests- May 6, 2012

Prayer Requests:
Recent Requests:  Jolee Rayne Terrell, Eraine Clark, Vera Lee Johnson, Amanda Simmons, Don Burns, Dewanna Polk, Billy Joe Monroe, storm victims, William Chisholm, Michael Fuller, Mamie Grantham, Carol Phile, Charles Ross, Huey Clark, Andy Starns, Jerianne McPherson, Jon Louis Schneider, Dalton Welch, George Johnson, Myrtle Strother, Christine Midkiff, Tracy Hall, Deborah Fuller, Gene Conway, Eddie Willis, Courtney LeBlanc, Gage Fuller, James Wells, Presidential election, Thelma Polk
Begin praying for church camp and VBS this summer!
Continuing Requests:  Dot Melder Alton Peters, Haylee Cornett, Rita & George Lemley, Bill Goree, Benny Richard, Roanne Ballio, Martha Townsend, Darwin Jones, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr.
Deployed Military:  Tyler Johnson, Robert Rogers, all those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Doris Andrus, Larry Book, Leonard Butter, Shirley Cameron, Shirley Causey, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Sharon Cook, Rodney Cotton, Dorothy Crane, Ava Dore, Ruth Ann Fisher, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Bob Granville, Darrell Guillory, Allie Harvey, Roger Johnson, Euna Jolibois, Johnny LaHay, Maria LaMartiner, Dot Langston, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Mattie McReynolds, Elaine Melder, Bob Morrow, Clark O’Banion, Jeanie O’Rorke, Doug and Claudia Pinkston, Wes Roberts, Donny Shows, Linda Sipco, Carlos Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Matt Troll, Sam Tucker, Will Tulos, Dalton Welch, Pam Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Geraldine Willis, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, Janie Jenkins, Helen Johnson, Vonnie Johnson, John Kenner, C.J. Meyers, Doris Polk
Deaths: The families of JeanetteMaricle, Jo Ella Johnson, James Willis, David Andrews, Joyce Grantham, D. C. Carruth
Unspoken Requests
Praise: Yvonne Bass can be removed from the cancer list, as she is cancer free!  Praise God!

I Thessalonians 1:1-10

I Thessalonians 1:1-10
I.                   I Thessalonians 1:1
a.       V. 1
                                                              i.      The church is the result of a missionary team: Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy
1.      The of all three names adds weight to the message
2.      Possible one or both was the bearer of the message
                                                            ii.      Silvanus is almost certainly “Silas” from Acts.  He is also mentioned in II Thessalonians, as well as in II Corinthians 1:9.  Acts 17:1-9 has Silas sharing in the work at Thessalonica
                                                          iii.      Silas serves as an emissary of the Jerusalem church after the Jerusalem Conference in Acts 15, and he replaces Barnabas and John Mark as Paul’s companion on the second missionary journey
                                                          iv.      Silas was possibly considered an “apostle” (cf. II Corinthians 8:23, I Thessalonians 2:7), making him an equal with Paul
                                                            v.      Timothy is mentioned in all of Paul’s letters but Galatians and Ephesians.  He was seen as Paul’s agent, representing the apostle when Paul himself could not be present, as we have seen was the case with the Thessalonians (cf. I Thessalonians 3:2; Philippians 2:19-22; I Corinthians 4:17).  Acts 16:1-3 tells us of Timothy’s background. 
                                                          vi.      God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are the agents of the church
                                                        vii.      The lack of reference to Paul’s status as an apostle shows that his status and authority are not in question
                                                      viii.      “The gathered assembly of Thessalonians in God” helps us remember that the church is a gathering of people, not a building
II.                I Thessalonians 1:2-5
a.       V. 2
                                                              i.      The Thessalonians are a part of Paul’s  regular prayer life, both because of their faith, and because of his desire to see them thrive
                                                            ii.      Prayer and remembering are linked
                                                          iii.      Paul will use both “mother” and “father” imagery later in the letter to refer to their concern for the Thessalonians, which helps us understand what it means to be constantly thankful and in prayer for someone
b.      V. 3
                                                              i.      “Their work that proceeds from their faith”, “their labor that proceeds from their love”, and “their steadfastness that proceeds from their hope” are all part of the triad of faith, hope, and love that frequently appear in Paul’s letters.
                                                            ii.      For Paul, love was “the necessary manifestation within Christ’s body of the new creation already underway in the working of God’s Spirit.”                                         – Victor Paul Furnish
                                                          iii.      Faith- 1:2-2:16; Love- 2:17-3:13, 4:1-12, 5:12-24; Hope- 4:13-5:11
                                                          iv.      “Paul reveals little that can be quantified, yet he says a great deal about what is important.” – Beverly Roberts Gaventa
                                                            v.      Hope is listed last, and points to their eschatological hope in Jesus Christ
c.       V. 4
                                                              i.      Paul ties their election into their “work that proceeds from their faith”, not because they have earned their election, but because their work is evidence of what has already taken place
                                                            ii.      The idea of election is related to conversion, not final salvation
d.      V. 5
                                                              i.      Being Gentiles, they would have compared the gospel of Jesus Christ to that of Caesar, having apparently decided that Christ’s gospel was the more trustworthy
                                                            ii.      Preaching is not just in word, but is also done in the power of the Holy Spirit, as well as through deed
III.             I Thessalonians 1:6-10
a.       V. 6
                                                              i.      To be imitators of Paul and the Lord, they must have persevered in their faith, despite persecution or opposition
                                                            ii.      To imitate does not mean to mirror
b.      V. 7
                                                              i.      He appeals to their status as examples to other Christian communities around them, and thus praises them, while also challenging and encouraging them
c.       V. 8
                                                              i.      News of their reception of the gospel, and their conduct in the face of adversity, had spread and served to encourage and provide an example for other churches
                                                            ii.      Could be a reference to the Thessalonians position in a transportation and communication hub
d.      V. 9-10
                                                              i.      The turning of the Thessalonians from idols to God shows that both cannot be served concurrently
                                                            ii.      The parousia and resurrection are linked
                                                          iii.      Jesus is identified as “deliverer” here, which is not unique, but is uncommon in terms of NT usage.  Could this be a reference to the persecution/opposition the Thessalonians were encountering?