
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday Night Activities Cancelled

All activities scheduled for this evening have been cancelled.  The weather has improved, but there are still some dangerous spots on the roads and around the church.  Men, remember to let me know if you plan on being here for our men's ministry lunch Saturday.  Stay safe, and we'll see the rest of you Sunday for worship!

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Vineyard- January 26, 2014

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Acts 16:1-40
Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read the passage. 
-          Process of Elimination
o   Has there ever been a time in your life where God guided you simply by ruling out some options for you?
o   If we want God’s guidance, we must first turn ourselves over to the doing of his will. 
o   What decisions do you need to seek God’s guidance for?
-          Other “gods”
o   In Paul’s world, there were dozens of other “gods” that competed for the worship of men and women. 
o   What things are competing for worship in your own life?  Could certain people or possessions be diverting your attention away from God and his glory?
-          Freedom isn’t being Free
o   Paul and Silas show tremendous freedom as they worship while chained up in prison.  Do you sometimes confuse liberty with freedom?
o   Do you have joy in Christ like Paul and Silas?
Ask God to guide us, even if it requires closing a few doors. 
Pray that God will destroy the other “gods” can compete for our attention. 

Thank God for our freedom in Christ!

Prayer Requests- January 26, 2014

Prayer Requests:
Praise:  Pat Paul and family made it home safely.  Our group that went to Winterfest made it back safely.  Praise God for a weekend of worship with thousands of teens.  Justin Fuller, Charles Peters, and Arnold Gill are doing better. 
Recent Requests: Philip Orr, Willie Verette, Dale Cloud, Payton Conway, Julie Wright, Carol Pfile, Aunt Charlene Babb, George Johnson, Robbie Bruner, Avery Shockley, Riley Odom, Paul Bailey, James Johnson, Darlene Holt, Eric Sipco, Sylvia Johnson, Michael Fuller, Luther Paul, Brody Carraway, Georgia Stanley, Erica Gillette Stewart, Brenda Hebert, Paula Whitlock, Angela Foster, Mrs. LeJune, Cynthia Philips
Pray for your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Continuing Requests: Kowyn Austin, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Jeff Bedsole, Conner Bouchie, Ray & Joyce Burge, Kay Carruth, Marie Cook, Sharon Cook, Lynn Diboll, Sampson Doyle III, Travis Gillespie, Bill Goree; Robert Gough, Robert Gunter, Kathryn Hardy, Velma Hayes, Darwin Jones, Ruby Lott, Drake Martin, Sarah Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Ben Mealer, Dot Melder, Mark Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Dewanna Polk, Thelma Polk, W. C. Pringle, Pete & Eva Stewart, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston, Bowe Bergdahl (P.O.W.), Horace Greene, and those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Sylvia Bollock, Myrtis Bond, Larry Book, Shirley Cameron, Kennette Campbell, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Dorothy Crane, Sally Crooks, James Dunn, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Joe Donald Francis, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hayes, Peggy Sue LeDoux Johnson, Roger Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Tessela Laborde, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Liz Latz, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Kaylee Lesta, Edwin Matthews, Julie Milam, Bob Morrow, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Chris Parker, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Lupita Sierra, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Danny Thompson, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, John Kenner, Doris Polk; Danny “Tiny” Townson
Travelling: Kyron Paul; Luther Paul
Deaths: The families of Beverly Tyler, Charlotte Wilson, Frank Ganson, Tyler Wood, Judy Arnet Ellis, and Angela Dunning
Unspoken Requests

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Vineyard- January 19, 2014

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

John 1:43-51
Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read the passage. 
-          “Follow Me”
o   Philip begins a remarkable journey, and witnesses the greatest events in history (Jesus crucifixion and resurrection), all because he listen to Jesus’ when he told him “follow me”.
o   Have you heard the voice of Jesus in your life saying “follow me”?  If so, did you listen to it?
o   Have you ever stopped to think about what all you are missing out on by not following Jesus?
-          Blessed by the Unexpected
o   Nathanael had trouble believing that Jesus was really the Messiah, because he was from Nazareth.
o   Has God ever blessed your life in an unexpected way?
o   Do you look for God’s work, even in unlikely places?
-          Known by God
o   Nathanael was shocked that Jesus knew so much about him.  Does God ever surprise you as Jesus surprised Nathanael?
o   Have you ever thought about the fact that God knows you, better even than you know yourself? 

Pray that God will open our eyes to blessing from unexpected places, and thank him for knowing us in such a marvelous way!

Prayer Requests- January 19, 2014

Prayer Requests:
Praise:  Our group that went to Winterfest made it back safely.  Praise God for a weekend of worship with thousands of teens.  Aunt Charlene Babb was able to come home, but is still in need of your prayers. 
Recent Requests: Dale Cloud, Payton Conway, Julie Wright, Carol Pfile, Justin Fuller, Aunt Charlene Babb, George Johnson, Robbie Bruner, Avery Shockley, Riley Odom, Paul Bailey, James Johnson, Darlene Holt, Arnold Gill, Eric Sipco, Sylvia Johnson, Michael Fuller, Luther Paul, Brody Carraway, Georgia Stanley, Erica Gillette Stewart, Brenda Hebert, Sampson Doyle III, Paula Whitlock, Angela Foster, Mrs. LeJune, Cynthia Philips
Pray for your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Continuing Requests: Kowyn Austin, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Jeff Bedsole, Conner Bouchie, Ray & Joyce Burge, Kay Carruth, Marie Cook, Sharon Cook, Lynn Diboll, Travis Gillespie, Bill Goree; Robert Gough, Robert Gunter, Kathryn Hardy, Velma Hayes, Darwin Jones, Ruby Lott, Drake Martin, Sarah Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Ben Mealer, Dot Melder, Mark Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Dewanna Polk, Thelma Polk, W. C. Pringle, Pete & Eva Stewart, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston, Bowe Bergdahl (P.O.W.), Horace Greene, and those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Sylvia Bollock, Myrtis Bond, Larry Book, Shirley Cameron, Kennette Campbell, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Dorothy Crane, Sally Crooks, James Dunn, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Joe Donald Francis, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hayes, Peggy Sue LeDoux Johnson, Roger Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Tessela Laborde, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Liz Latz, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Kaylee Lesta, Edwin Matthews, Julie Milam, Bob Morrow, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Chris Parker, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Lupita Sierra, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Danny Thompson, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, John Kenner, Doris Polk; Danny “Tiny” Townson; Alma Wade
Travelling: Our group at Winterfest, Kyron Paul; Pat Paul and family
Deaths: The Lemmons family and the families of Charlotte Wilson, Frank Ganson, Tyler Wood, Judy Arnet Ellis, and Angela Dunning
Unspoken Requests

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Vineyard- January 12, 2014

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

John 10:1-21
Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read the passage. 
-          The Good Shepherd
o   Jesus says that his sheep recognize, and follow, his voice.  Are you following the voice of Jesus?
o   Jesus laid his life down for us because he owns us, we are his.  What does it mean to you to know that Jesus values you that much?
-          The Gate
o   As the gate, Jesus is the only way we can come to God.  Do you sometimes try to come to God through your own power, holiness, or good deeds?
-          I AM
o   Jesus makes a bold statement, in identifying himself with God.  Do you fully appreciate the majesty and beauty of who Jesus is?
-          Jesus and the Church
o   Our security, as individuals and as a church, is tied to our proximity to Jesus, our Good Shepherd. 
How might we as individuals and as a church more closely identify with Jesus, ouPray that God might empower us to follow the voice of Jesus. 

Pray that our church might deepen its identity in Jesus Christ our Lord.  

Prayer Requests- January 12, 2014

Prayer Requests:
Praise:  George Johnson was able to come home from the hospital.  David Morgan & family made it home safely from India.  Mihala Cloud, Lee Taylor, Gage Fuller, Carl Holloway, and Nathan Snyder are doing better.       
Recent Requests: Carol Pfile, Justin Fuller, Aunt Charlene Babb, George Johnson, Robbie Bruner, Avery Shockley, Riley Odom, Paul Bailey, James Johnson, Darlene Holt, Charlotte Wilson, Arnold Gill, Eric Sipco, Sylvia Johnson, Michael Fuller, Luther Paul, Brody Carraway, Georgia Stanley, Erica Gillette Stewart, Brenda Hebert, Sampson Doyle III, Paula Whitlock, Angela Foster, Mrs. LeJune, Cynthia Philips
Pray for your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Continuing Requests: Kowyn Austin, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Jeff Bedsole, Conner Bouchie, Ray & Joyce Burge, Kay Carruth, Marie Cook, Sharon Cook, Lynn Diboll, Travis Gillespie, Bill Goree; Robert Gough, Robert Gunter, Kathryn Hardy, Velma Hayes, Darwin Jones, Ruby Lott, Drake Martin, Sarah Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Ben Mealer, Dot Melder, Mark Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Dewanna Polk, Thelma Polk, W. C. Pringle, Pete & Eva Stewart, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend, Jeanie Winegeart
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston, Bowe Bergdahl (P.O.W.), Horace Greene, and those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Sylvia Bollock, Myrtis Bond, Larry Book, Shirley Cameron, Kennette Campbell, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Dorothy Crane, Sally Crooks, James Dunn, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Joe Donald Francis, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hayes, Peggy Sue LeDoux Johnson, Roger Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Tessela Laborde, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Liz Latz, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Edwin Matthews, Julie Milam, Bob Morrow, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Chris Parker, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Lupita Sierra, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Danny Thompson, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, John Kenner, Doris Polk; Danny “Tiny” Townson; Alma Wade
Travelling: Kyron Paul; Pat Paul and family
Deaths: The Lemmons family and the families of Frank Ganson, Tyler Wood, Judy Arnet Ellis, and Angela Dunning

Unspoken Requests

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Water Project


Follow the link above to see pictures and read the details about the well built using funds we raised for the Water Project as part of last spring's Service Sunday.  To God be the glory!

The Vineyard- January 5, 2014

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Ezekiel 34
Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read the passage. 
-          The Failures of Human Leadership
o   There are dangers in placing our trust in human leaders.  Even the best human leaders are imperfect, and subject to the corruption that power brings. 
o   What are some examples of human leaders who succumbed to corruption due to power?
-          The Necessity of Divine Leadership
o   What is it about God that prevents him from being corrupted as human leaders often are?
o   How does God’s very nature prevent him from letting us down?
-          God leads us through the bad times
o   What bad times has God lead you through?
o   What comfort do you derive from God’s presence in difficult times?
-          Preparing for Judgment
o   When God examines your treatment of the weak and the vulnerable among us, what will he think?
o   What have you done recently to help the “weak”?
Praise God for being an ever-faithful shepherd. 

Ask God to open your eyes to ways that you can help those in need.  

Prayer Requests- January 5, 2014

Prayer Requests:
Praise:  James Johnson was able to go home, but continue to keep him in your prayers.  The Simmons family made it home safely.  Carter Poole, Sloan McInnis, Charles Gassiott, Claire Cotton, Becky Bankston, and Carol Jean Fuller are doing better.       
Recent Requests: Aunt Charlene Babb,  George Johnson, Mihala Cloud, Carl Holloway, Robert Brenner, Avery Shockley, Riley Odom, Lee Taylor, Paul Bailey, James Johnson, Darlene Holt, Gage Fuller, Charlotte Wilson, Arnold Gill, Eric Sipco, Sylvia Johnson, Michael Fuller, Luther Paul, Brody Carraway, Georgia Stanley, Erica Gillette Stewart, Brenda Hebert, Sampson Doyle III, Paula Whitlock, Angela Foster, Mrs. LeJune, Cynthia Philips
Pray for your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Continuing Requests: Kowyn Austin, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Jeff Bedsole, Conner Bouchie, Ray & Joyce Burge, Kay Carruth, Marie Cook, Sharon Cook, Lynn Diboll, Travis Gillespie, Bill Goree; Robert Gough, Robert Gunter, Kathryn Hardy, Velma Hayes, Darwin Jones, Ruby Lott, Drake Martin, Sarah Martin, Mattie McReynolds, Ben Mealer, Dot Melder, Mark Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Dewanna Polk, Thelma Polk, W. C. Pringle, Pete & Eva Stewart, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston, Bowe Bergdahl (P.O.W.), Horace Greene, and those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Sylvia Bollock, Myrtis Bond, Larry Book, Shirley Cameron, Kennette Campbell, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Dorothy Crane, Sally Crooks, James Dunn, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Joe Donald Francis, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hayes, Peggy Sue LeDoux Johnson, Roger Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Tessela Laborde, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Liz Latz, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Edwin Matthews, Julie Milam, Bob Morrow, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Chris Parker, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Lupita Sierra, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Danny Thompson, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, John Kenner, Doris Polk; Danny “Tiny” Townson; Alma Wade
Travelling: Kyron Paul; David Morgan & family
Deaths: The Lemmons family and the families of Judy Arnet, Angela Dunning Willie Anderson, Herbert Winegeart, and Lucy Hoover
Unspoken Requests

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Vineyard- December 29, 2013

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Psalm 23
Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Read the passage. 
-          The Lord is my shepherd
o   God loves you enough to personally lead and protect you.  What does that mean to you?
-          God leads us to the good times
o   How does God provide for you?  In what ways has he blessed you?
-          God leads us through the bad times
o   What bad times has God lead you through?
o   What comfort do you derive from God’s presence in difficult times?
-          God leads us to rest
o   Do you look forward to the time when you will rest forever in God’s presence?  What hope does that give you?
-          “you are with me”
o   This phrase is found in the exact middle of the psalm.  Is your life centered on God’s presence?
Thank God for being your shepherd. 
Pray that God will continue to lead you to the good times, and through the bad times. 
Thank God for the rest that will be ours as Christians. 
Pray that you may be able to center your life on the presence of God. 

Prayer Requests- December 29, 2013

Prayer Requests:
Praise:  The Clark, Carruth, and Reeves families made it home safely.  Claudia Troll made it home safely.   Velma Hayes was able to come home.   Allan Babb, Bob Melder, Will Chelette, Don Paul, and Dawson Renfrow are doing better.       
Recent Requests: James Johnson, Darlene Holt, Carol Jean Fuller, Gage Fuller, Charlotte Wilson, Arnold Gill, Eric Sipco, Becky Bankston, Sylvia Johnson, Michael Fuller, Luther Paul, Brody Carraway, Georgia Stanley, Claire Cotton, Erica Gillette Stewart, Brenda Hebert, Charles Gassiott, Sampson Doyle III, Paula Whitlock, Angela Foster, Mrs. LeJune, Cynthia Philips
Pray for your enemies.  (Matthew 5:44)
Continuing Requests: Kowyn Austin, Roanne Ballio, Makenzie Bankston, Jeff Bedsole, Conner Bouchie, Ray & Joyce Burge, Kay Carruth, Marie Cook, Sharon Cook, Lynn Diboll, Travis Gillespie, Bill Goree; Robert Gough, Robert Gunter, Kathryn Hardy, Velma Hayes, Darwin Jones, Ruby Lott, Drake Martin, Sarah Martin, Sloan McInnis, Mattie McReynolds, Ben Mealer, Dot Melder, Mark Melder, Arvis Midkiff, Harvey Paul, Harvey Paul, Jr., Dewanna Polk, Thelma Polk, Carter Poole, W. C. Pringle, Pete & Eva Stewart, Myrtle Strother, Jolee Rayne Terrell, Azaria Thompson, Martha Townsend
Deployed Military:  Tyler Bankston, Bowe Bergdahl (P.O.W.), Horace Greene, and those serving in the military
Cancer Patients:  Sylvia Bollock, Myrtis Bond, Larry Book, Shirley Cameron, Kennette Campbell, Gleeta Chamberlain, Jerry Cole, Dorothy Crane, Sally Crooks, James Dunn, Donna Dyson, Ruth Ann Fisher, Joe Donald Francis, Jared Gordon, Stacy Gough, Steve Hayes, Peggy Sue LeDoux Johnson, Roger Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Mr. Kelly, Tessela Laborde, Johnny LaHay, Dot Langston, Liz Latz, Mariliyn Lavisphere, Edwin Matthews, Julie Milam, Bob Morrow, Joe O’Neal, Jeanie O’Rorke, Chris Parker, Joan Schneider, Donny Shows, Lupita Sierra, Richard Simmons, Linda Sipco, Connor Smith, Wally Pullen Smith, Walter Stagg, Glennell Stanley, Jackie Teasely, Danny Thompson, Dalton Welch, Shane West, Charles Whitten, Britney Wilson, Charles Young
Nursing Homes:  Aunt Charlene Babb, Mary Ann Fuller, Tom Fuller, John Kenner, Doris Polk; Danny “Tiny” Townson; Alma Wade
Travelling: Simmons family; Kyron Paul; David Morgan & family
Deaths: The Lemmons family and the families of Angela Dunning Willie Anderson, Herbert Winegeart, and Lucy Hoover

Unspoken Requests