Vineyard- September 27, 2015
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me
and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do
nothing. – John 15:5
Genesis 42:1-38
for God to speak to you through the reading of His word.
the passage.
God’s Will is Sovereign
Joseph’s brothers tried to fight
against God’s will, to the extent that they sold their brother into
slavery. Have you ever tried to fight
against God’s will for your life?
What happens when we stop fighting
God’s will for our life, and learn to embrace that will instead?
Blinded by Guilt
When society speaks of God, if often
paints a picture of a God with a lightning bolt in one hand, waiting to zap the
next person who messes up. The world is
fixated on a God of judgment. How does
our guilt cause us to see God mainly as a God who judges us?
How does the way we see God impact
the way we perceive things? If we only
see a God of judgment, do we begin to see everything as God’s judgment?
Can guilt prevent us from seeing
God’s desire to redeem us?
Paralyzed by Grief
Grief can overwhelm us to the extent
that we are paralyzed emotionally and spiritually. Jacob, having lost Joseph already, is afraid
to do anything that might lead to the loss of Benjamin as well.
How does our knowledge of Christ and
his power over death console us in our grief, and encourage us when we are
How does the perfect love of Christ
cast out fear?
Pray that God’s will for your life
will be evident, and that you will have the courage and faith to embrace
Ask God to relieve you of any guilt
that may be blinded you to the Father’s love.
Pray for those who grieve, that
they will not be overwhelmed and fearful, but that the perfect love of Christ
will reign in their hearts.