
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Vineyard- August 10, 2014

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Colossians 1:15-23
Pray that God will speak to you through the reading of His word.
-          Christ the Creator
o   Jesus’ ministry didn’t begin on earth.  Jesus has existed for all eternity as God, and was present at the beginning as God’s agent of creation.  How often do you consider that Christ didn’t just die for you, he also created you?
-          Christ the Redeemer
o   As the one who created you, Jesus knows you better than you know yourself.  What does it mean to you that even though Christ knows all your secrets, all your failures, all the things you never said, all the thoughts you were ashamed of thinking; what does it means to you that even knowing all that, he still choose to die for you?
-          “You are Here”
o   After telling us a lot about Christ, Paul then turns to tell us a lot about ourselves.  Have you truly allowed Christ to ransom you from your old way of thinking, acting, and living? 
Pray that we will honor Christ as his creation, and live our lives according to his will. 
Pray that we will appreciate the great cost of our redemption.    

Pray that we will see others as Christ has seen us, people of great worth.  

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