
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Vineyard- April 24, 2016

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Pray for God to speak to you through the reading of His word. 
Jesus Followers Receive Eternal Life
-          Jesus says that eternal life is knowing the Father, and the one whom he sent, Jesus Christ. 
-          God is the source of life, so if we have a relationship with God, we will always have life. 
-          In what ways are we able to embrace and enjoy eternal life even now?
-          Passages to Consider: John 17:3
Jesus Followers are Called to be One
-          Jesus prayed twice in this prayer for his followers to be one.  What does that tell you about the importance that Jesus placed on unity among his followers?
-          As followers of Jesus, we find unity in recognizing that we all love Jesus, and want to serve him as our master. 
-          The God that we share and whom we serve, is more important than anything that might divide us.  If we share a love for and devotion to God, then we should be united as one. 
-          Passages to Consider: John 17:11, 22-23; Ephesians 4:4-6; Colossians 1:18
Jesus Followers are Called to be Holy
-          As Jesus’ followers, the church, we are holy because Jesus makes us holy, not because we are holy on our own. 
-          The word church means, “called out,” because God sets us apart, or makes us holy, for a purpose. 
-          For what purpose does God make us holy through Jesus Christ?
-          How can we maintain our difference from the world, while also serving the world?
-          Passage to Consider: John 17:14-19; Colossians 1:21-23; I Peter 2:9-10
Praise God for the ability to experience eternal life, even now!
Pray for unity among Christ’s followers, so that even when we don’t agree, we will still love one another and set an example for the world. 

Pray for our ability to fulfill our purpose in the world.    

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