
Welcome to the blog of the Glenmora Church of Christ, in Glenmora, Louisiana. Whether you are a part of our church family or a friend from miles away, we hope that you will follow this blog as a means of celebrating with us all of the ways God is at work in our community. Our goal is to share with you reflections on what we have learned from God's word in recent weeks, information on upcoming events, updates on those in need of our prayers, as well as reports of praise for those whose prayers have been answered! Additionally, we hope to share lots of pictures so that you will be able to actually SEE the many ways that God continues to bless us through worship, study, and wonderful friendships. And of course, if you live in or are visiting Glenmora, we would love to SEE you!
May God bless you as you seek to follow Christ!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Vineyard- February 19, 2012

The Vineyard
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

Mark 13:1-37
-  Many people would be disturbed by Jesus’ prediction that the temple would be destroyed.  Their religion was so intertwined with one building, that it was hard for them to imagine faith without it.  We have been in this location for 90 years, and in that time worshiped in at least two different buildings, and even in tents!  What does that tell you about the true nature of the church?  Is it more about the buildings, or the people?
-  Jesus predicted that the church would witness great calamities, and yet would remain as a witness to God’s mercy and grace, and as a sign of hope.  What troubling times has this church witnessed in its history?  How has it remained a sign of hope during those events?  How can we ensure that we project God’s love into our community in the future, even during times of great trial?
- Jesus predicts that a lot of events will take place that will cause great uproar.  However, Jesus teaches that the signs of the end will come not on earth, but in heaven.  He teaches us to focus not on the world around us, but on Him.  How can we faithfully keep our focus on Jesus, while living in the world?  What does it mean to watch faithfully for his return?

- Take time this week to thank God for the history of our church, while also asking Him to bless our future.  Consider how God can use you in the years ahead.

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